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L&D And Learner Experience 2024 Trends Report


L&D And Learner Experience 2024 Trends Report

by SweetRush / Published: May 16 2024

What it's about

Working with nearly 100 clients across industries gives the SweetRush team a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in L&D! Download this valuable resource with insights from L&D pros on AI, analytics, LX, and enabling change.

Key chapters

  • Skills Needs Are Changing…Because Change Requires New Skills

    Discover how the rapid rise of generative AI is influencing today's most in-demand workplace skills. Get inspired by Hilton + SweetRush, whose AI-powered Make It Right program is teaching its team members valuable skills in service recovery.
  • L&D's Elevated Role Matures

    Find out which challenges are keeping L&D leaders up at night and discover how adopting a Learner-Centered Design approach can positively impact learning culture, guide learning analytics, and improve learning outcomes.
  • Investing In Content: Shelf Life, Resources, And Impact

    Explore today's top content creation challenges and discover how strategies such as AI and learning in the flow of work can help L&D overcome time, budget, and capacity constraints.
  • Trends In Strategy, Skills, Analytics, And Automation

    What are L&D pros focusing on in 2024 and beyond? AI is a given, but there's also an increased focus on the key drivers for success with business strategy, skills alignment, efficiency, and learning impact all looming large on the L&D horizon.

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