Effective Mobile LMS Implementation On A Budget
Bringing in a new piece of software can be an expensive business. From purchasing the software itself to managing the implementation process, there are lots of costs which can add up. We’ve got some tips for you on how you can complete your mobile LMS implementation on a budget and still get your system up and running as expected.
1. Pick The Right System For You
The first stage of making sure you implement your new mobile LMS on a budget is to ensure that you pick the right system in the first place. When it comes to the shopping around this stage, it can be tempting to speed through it in order to get something in place quickly, but this could end up causing you further problems down the line.
It’s vital that you take the time at this stage to scope out what you really need from a mobile LMS, making sure you attend demos to really get a feel for the systems. This will enable you to find the one which will be the perfect fit for you and your business.
Rushing this stage could mean picking a poor-quality system, which may mean starting the whole process over again a few months later, which is a major waste of time and money.
2. Be Clear On Costs Before You Start
Once you’ve decided on the mobile LMS for you, you need to make sure that you and your Implementation team are clear about the costs from the start. Make sure you find out what the implementation costs are and if there are any potential extras which may crop up along the way.
This will allow you to create a clear budget for your mobile LMS implementation, as well as ensuring that you stick to your budget throughout the process and don’t get drawn into paying any additional costs.
3. Pick The Package That Suits Your Needs
If your mobile LMS provider has a number of different implementation packages, then it’s important to take the time and look at which option will be the best for you. Obviously, you want to make sure you get your mobile LMS implemented with no problems and get it up and running as quickly as possible, but there may be a more budget-friendly option on offer for you.
For example, it may be more costly for your implementation team to visit your business to conduct mobile LMS training in person, but if you think you’ll be fine completing the training through video calls, then it makes more sense to go for the cheaper implementation package option.
4. Stick To Your Schedule
Another important thing to be clear on right from the start is your implementation schedule. This should include when your implementation will start, how many meetings you will have in between and how long they will last, as well as the expected final implementation date for your business.
Sticking to this schedule will ensure that your implementation costs remain the same, as missing deadlines or having to have further meetings may cost you extra.
It also means that you will be able to get rid of your old system on the projected date as well, so you won’t be wasting money on two systems if your implementation is delayed.
5. Be Time Conscience With Meetings
When you have meetings with your implementation team, it’s important to make sure that both parties are time conscience, and everyone sticks to the start and finish times.
Starting meetings late or running over will eat into everyone’s time, and when you multiply that by the number of people in the meeting, it could really have a negative impact on your company’s productivity. It also runs the risk of incurring extra costs from your implementation team if you need additional time from them.
Finally, not being time conscience in meetings could mean that you miss deadlines, which could end up pushing your implementation date further back.
6. Only Involve Needed Personnel
When you have meetings with your mobile LMS implementation team, make sure that you only include the people that need to be there. You obviously need to include as many people as needed to make the implementation a success, but there’s no point in having an excess of people there. This will only waste a lot of company time, which is the time that could be better spent on other activities.