Adopting A Customized eLearning Approach To Cater To Training Needs Of Intended Audiences

Adopting A Customized eLearning Approach To Cater To Training Needs Of Intended Audiences
Roman Samborskyi/
Summary: With the increasing utilization of mobile devices supported by digitization, microlearning has gained immense popularity in the modern eLearning market. Most of the organizations are embedding it to deliver microcontent, which is quick to digest and easy to retain.

Flexible, Just-In-Time And Customized eLearning Approach Drives Learner Engagement And Overall Learning Uptake

During microlearning, highly flexible, relevant, and customized information is provided to cater to the diverse needs of all. The small bursts of information are quick to create, consume, and deliver, thereby filling the gaps left in the traditional classroom environment.

Microlearning is not only about delivering custom bite-sized content but it also incorporates significant aspects that improve the overall learner engagement and workplace productivity. Let's keep in mind that:

  • Short eLearning modules are easy to access across personalized mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This enables the learners to get instant information at their fingertips without any hassle of going anywhere.
  • Content can also be delivered as 2-to-5-minute videos, to seek maximum learner attention and knowledge retention.
  • The bite-sized content is media-rich as it can be developed in several formats as per specific learner’s needs. It may include interactive graphics, engaging games, short quizzes, audios, and many more which are easy to download on a mobile device.
  • It is important to create and provide content chunks in accordance with learners preferences. For instance, organizations can serve multiple eLearning modules as videos to drive engagement or embed gamified techniques to make learning fun. Learners have the flexibility to choose the one that fits their style, time, and convenience.

Audiences That Appreciate Microlearning

Whether you are reading the headlines or accessing any social media website, you can easily access the right information at the right time. The new-age learner is adept to using latest smartphones and tablets, holding the potential to access shorts bursts of information at any point of time. Various audiences who are well inclined to microlearning can be identified.

Natural Microlearners

With the prime focus on digesting bite-sized content, the modern learner prefers to undergo training on their personalized mobile devices. When organizations adopt an effective microlearning approach, they succeed in the engaging maximum workforce, improve their collaboration with their peers and overall knowledge retention levels.

Learners Across Start-Up Companies

Startups or smaller organizations can create custom microcontent and make it accessible to their learners, making sure limited budgets or timelines are not a deterrent to learning.

Learning Empowerment

During any training program, it is important to seek control over what and how employees learn. Consequently, it empowers the workforce to take responsibility for boosting their work efficiency and overall business growth.

If you want to boost the workforce retention levels, then microlearning is an optimal choice. With emergence to latest eLearning trends, microlearning has become the widely adopted approach for corporate training. In this approach, training content is divided into short nuggets, which are quick to access and easy to digest. Microlearning caters to the bespoke training needs of globally dispersed audiences by providing information anytime and anywhere. It has proved to be effective because of two prime reasons: the utilization of a flexible platform to track microcontent delivery and the incorporation of images, videos, and games to make eCourses more interactive.

It is not bounded by the geographical barriers, and it is here to stay for long. Although the traditional and modern eLearning approach will not be out of trend, microlearning will simply ease everything. Millennials want to pull information as per their need, rather than being pushed from the other end. So, microlearning is such an approach that can help them with updated information at any time, on any device and with highly engaging audio-visuals. You can think of sales employees who are out for a meeting but can quickly revise knowledge on specific products or customer handling by accessing short and crisp training modules via their personalized mobile device. In today's age of mobile learning, the attention span of modern learners is decreasing. People now prefer watching a video rather than attending a lengthy training session. Microlearning has proved to be an effective and well-customized training approach that suits all training types, as for example sales training, an onboarding program, a formal session for the product demo, and many more.