3 eLearning Market Trends For The Next 5 Years

3 eLearning Market Trends For The Next 5 Years
Summary: The eLearning market is massive and on the way to expanding and maturing as we move ahead. In this post we discuss some of the findings in Docebo's massive eLearning Market Trends and Forecast: 2017-2021, a free report on the current state and future of eLearning globally. Here are a few insights.

3 eLearning Market Trends That Will Affect The Online Learning Landscape For The Next 5 Years

Well, it’s about that time of the year: The period in which we look back at the year that was to reflect on successes, missed opportunities, and challenges, and forward to see what’s in store. And that’s pretty much exactly what we’ve done with eLearning Market Trends and Forecast: 2017-2021, a free report available through Docebo. It covers the biggest eLearning trends of 2016 and, more importantly, looks forward to 2017 and beyond to discover some of the biggest trends that are likely to dominate the learning management system market in the next five years.

To produce the report, we collected all of the top reports and analyses on eLearning provided by analysts and Learning and Development (L&D) experts throughout 2016 and combed through the documents and data to find the most critical data and relevant insights.

With that, here are 3 of the findings included in the report.

1. The eLearning Market Is Massive, And It’s On The Rise

The size of the eLearning market globally was estimated to be over USD 165 Billion and is likely to grow by 5% between 2016 and 2023, exceeding USD 240 Billion. It's also on the rise in areas where it hasn't traditionally had much presence, such as the Middle East.

Why? Well, it's complicated and we explore many possible reasons in the report. But factors such as the possibility of allocating lower budgets for eLearning purposes (compared to traditional education methods) together with increasing flexibility in learning are expected to drive industry growth in the coming years.

2. Job-Specific Technical Skills Dominate Training

The types of training that organizations produce can vary significantly, yet at the core of every business are a set of key requirements: Job-specific skills, compliance, and leadership, for example.

As we mention in the report, according to ATD’s 2015 State of the Industry, the top 3 areas of training content
within corporate enterprise in the past year were:

  1. Managerial and supervisory.
  2. Profession or industry specific.
  3. Mandatory and compliance.

This breakdown by topic is also confirmed by the Brandon Hall Group’s Learning and Development Answer Book 2015, which concluded that over 40% of training is job-specific.

3. The Content Authoring Buying Market Is Growing And Maturing

According to Research and Markets Report, the global content authoring tools market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.72% over the 2016-2020 period. The Learning Authoring Tools market continues to be dominated by desktop tools, with Articulate and iSpring claiming a total aggregate user base around 90.000 organizations.

When it comes to authoring tools, buyers pursue responsive design, increased video usage, and user-generated content creation and management – all elements central to many content authoring tools. xAPI (Tin Can) compatibility is another emerging feature demanded of authoring tools. While it still represents a niche product in terms of adoption, it is expected to become a game-changer in the upcoming years.

Some of the key topics readers can look forward to in the report include:

  • An assessment of the size of the eLearning market globally, including budget allocations for eLearning purposes and the drivers of growth and development in the Learning and Development industry.
  • Emerging trends in the eLearning market, including social learning, mobile learning, microlearning, corporate MOOCs, and more.
  • A look at potential “game-changers” and disruptive technologies and approaches to eLearning, including game-based learning, gamification, and wearable technology.
  • Insights into the adoption and continued use of eLearning in geographical markets around the world, including considerations of what might be driving change and growth in these markets.

We hope this comprehensive report is a great source to help learning and development professionals assess the global landscape of eLearning across 2017 through 2021 and make informed decisions that will enable them to take their learning strategies and programs to the next level and drive more success in Learning and Development performance overall.

Get all of the essential insights you need by downloading this comprehensive report today.

eBook Release: Docebo
Docebo is the world's most powerful learning platform, built for the business of learning.