What Is Writer’s Block?
How can you suddenly forget what you’ve done numerous times before? All who have faced writer’s block can relate to the aforementioned illustration. Creative writing – or any writing, for that matter – requires creative thinking. Here, you will find 5 creative musings to defeat the pangs of writer’s block. Soon, you’ll be able to indulge in every savory, wholesome idea your mind has to offer.
The writer’s voice is in the pen. However, before ever beginning to write, you should clear your mind. Usually, there is a calm before every storm. Take refuge in a quiet place. Let go of every distraction, and be attentive. Do whatever brings you peace beforehand to unwind. Rather than stressing over word count or deadlines, focus on putting content to paper. Take deep breaths and prepare to let the writing process flow accordingly.
2. Let It Flow
Establishing a flow is essential to overcoming a halt in the writing process. Anything literary begins in the mind. The "thinking process" is another word for "flow". In order to maintain progression, the source of output must avoid any matter of blockage. Regard writer’s block as a fire. Harness the pen as a water hose. Consider your mind a high-pressure water hydrant, and your thoughts water. Assumptions, beliefs, concerns, desires, expectations, fears, goals, hunches, ideas, justifications, knowledge, lessons, meditations, notions or praises should flow out as a result. Try to attack the flames with an organized stream. While realizing that brainstorming and a literal rainstorm share likeness, let all your thoughts pour out at once. Rather than hosing down the fire on writer’s ave, smother it out all at once.
3. Incorporate The Writing Process Into Daily Life
When suddenly encountered with something, you psyche reacts instantly in most cases. Why is it the exact opposite with writer’s block? Why is it so hard to convey the intended message? Train yourself to think about constantly putting content to the canvas. Not knowing how to convey your thoughts is okay. Furthermore, that shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. Everything you do can spark some sort of inspiration. Use a routine training exercise similar to foreshadowing yourself. Observe the things you do and document them creatively, letting every daily interaction become a topic. Be mindful, we all make mistakes, and we have to clean up what we messed up. This should be a golden reminder that proofreading and editing is a MUST.
4. Turn Distractions Into Content
Distractions can bring frustration. Seems like they pop up in an expedient matter but are disruptive, slow down production and can bring flow to a halt. The direction of something that flows should be closely considered. A flow can be obstructed, but can also be channeled. Think of a stream that has a wide current. Imagine water flowing in one direction. Further along, it becomes blocked by a large boulder. Consequently, the path of the current becomes obscured but can still be utilized. With the proper measures, the single stream can be "wish boned" into two separate currents per say. Observe the impasse and create a diversion. Let go of frustration and start digging in and around your distractions. Use diversions to your advantage. As a result, there will be many pools of content to draw from.
5. Tell Your Tech To Type For You
Get creative and use technical equipment. Typing and conventional writing skills are a must-have. Although, innovative new ways to document strategies and outlines make things easier. Invest in a newer model computer or tablet. If you prefer older hardware, explore free software and apps that can boost your writing capabilities. Certainly, students should take advantage of voice recognition and speech-to-text accessibility. Furthermore, this may sharpen written/verbal communication and possibly presentation skills. Utilize voice-enabled devices and speak your words into existence. Practice projecting your voice and speaking clearly.
Originally published at www.da-pulse.com.