Course-Source Marketplace

If you already have an LMS, the Course-Source marketplace enables you to find, fully evaluate , and purchase courses - as and when required - without having to purchase a site license, and without the hassle of having to engage with multiple vendors.

Founded in
unit 1.4 Hoxton Works, 128 Hoxton Street
Contact details

Core Learning Services specialises in working with commercial e-learning companies to deliver courses and create cross-selling opportunities.

We also sell direct to some end-clients, providing cost-effective e-learning solutions to the NHS, local government, and small to medium size companies.

Our growing, dynamic team enable many ground-breaking e-learning projects. We work hard to secure our reputation as providers of reliable and sustainable e-learning platforms, authoring tools, and an ever-expanding library of courses.

If you already have an LMS then our Course-Source Marketplace enables you to search and fully evaluate hundreds of courses and purchase only the number of "credits" (enrolments) you need and deliver the courses on your own LMS or VLE without having to purchase a site license and store huge files.