Founded in
  • Academic
  • Large Enterprises
  • Small/Medium Businesses
Specialization Areas
  • Customer Experience
  • Health and Safety
  • Operations Training
  • Product Knowledge Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • eLearning
  • Government: Federal
  • Health, Wellness and Fitness
  • Higher Education
  • Mental Health Care
441 Keith Crescent
Contact details
(613) 294-0742

Your professional elearning experience begins here

Do you have an eLearning project but don't know where to start? Do you have content that you wish to turn into an eLearning module?

eLearnza is here to help turn your custom content or traditional classroom training materials into an interactive digital elearning experience.

We have spent years developing and refining our approach to learning and development. Our clients benefit from tailor-made learning materials that are clear, concise, and engaging.

With a keen understanding of adult learning principles, we make a point of listening carefully to clients and subject matter experts (SMEs) to discover specific needs, and then deliver materials that are engaging, with relevant examples and scenarios, and with just the right tone for the intended participants.


Discover the Solutions eLearnza has to offer.