Founded in
  • Academic
  • K12
  • Large Enterprises
  • Small/Medium Businesses
Specialization Areas
  • Branding & Communications Training
  • Compliance Training
  • Cultural Transformation Training
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Process and Technical Training
  • Education Management
  • Education: K-12
  • eLearning
  • Government: State/Local
  • Video Production
101 Johnston Street, Annandale
Contact details

emagined was founded in 2018 with a mission of empowering people, organisations, and leaders to be unstoppable towards achieving their business goals.

Our design principles are based on a learning cycle that is vital to the success of the learners journey and the organiastaion training goals:

I learn | I retain | I apply

How do we do this? Through interactive online learning, intercative video, digital media, live streams and creating products and relationships that transform what's possible. Digital, immersive experiences that are innovative, creative, functional and contemporary.

In 2020, we produced over 220 learning videos, 25 registered professional learning eModules, 6 websites, and 3 immersive 360/VR projects for our core client: the NSW Department of Education.

Clients such as the NSW Police and Life Education trust us time and again to deliver digital iterations that are effective.

Our curatorial framework, quality assurance and sound delivery rest on our commitment to human-centred design, accessibility and inclusiveness.

Graphic designers, videographers, producers, animation artists, motion graphics, VR designers, audio engineers, web builders, accessibility remediators and learning management system specialists.

Our learning authors are specialists in all tools and languages: HTML, inclusive websites, Articulate 360, Adapt, Captivate and app development.


Discover the Solutions eMAGINed has to offer.