Established in 2019, Gaggle Academy is an e-learning provider aimed at providing talented children of all social backgrounds the opportunity to further themselves and their futures. With this at the forefront of Gaggles mind, Gaggle aims to be a disruptor, providing high-quality education at a low cost. This balance is achieved by gathering multiple experienced teachers, tutors, parents and students and compiling the most thought out 11 plus curriculum out on the market.
Aimed at students at all skill levels, the Gaggle 11 plus e-learning course aims to gradually help students early, identify weaknesses fast, and build strength over time. The whole aim is to get the student confident in their English, Maths, Verbal and Non-verbal skills, all of which combined will make the student competent enough to either take their 11 plus exam or be confident in class when attending KS2. This level of learning will ensure the student is equipped with the skills and knowledge to thrive in any environment.