Global Lingo Inc.

Online Language Providers

Global Lingo has been working with e-Learning companies and L&D departments for over a decade, translating corporate training courses in over 150 languages.

Last updated: May 2021
Founded in
73 W. Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois, 60603
Contact details
312 414 9534

Global Lingo partners with organizations around the world in delivering fluent communications to internal and external audiences. We ensure that your content is accurate, consistent, and culturally relevant.

We have been working with e-Learning companies and L&D departments for over a decade, translating corporate training courses in over 150 languages.

Whether you produce training in PowerPoint or use the latest e-Learning authoring tool to create a highly interactive course, we can extract and translate all content, provide voice-over and subtitling, carry out functional testing and QA for any device, and more, while offering a flexible and tailored service.