Founded in
  • Academic
  • K12
  • Large Enterprises
  • Small/Medium Businesses
Specialization Areas
  • Branding & Communications Training
  • Business Development Training
  • Leadership Development
  • Risk Management
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Professional Services (Agency, Business)
  • Professional Training & Coaching
HFX Training
Contact details

When it comes to making better businesses and better business leaders, we believe in one simple concept: the power of practice. We offer simulation-based learning solutions that can be adapted to your unique learning goals and empower learners with real-world skills that have a real-world impact.

Our team has over 40 years' experience in designing and implementing training solutions: We know what works - in the classroom and the boardroom. We curate, design, and deliver customized simulation-based training for both academic and corporate learners, and our solutions have been used at top 100 business schools and major multinationals around the world.


Discover the Solutions HFX Training has to offer.