Founded in
Specialization Areas
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Product Knowledge Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Financial Services
  • Pharmaceuticals
IFSC House
Contact details
+353 1 6054300

Intuition is a leading global knowledge solutions company. With offices located worldwide, we have developed and deployed our award-winning products and services to many of the world’s leading corporate and public sector organizations for over 30 years.

We help your business use knowledge effectively. Our products engage, motivate, and inspire your employees on their learning paths.

It’s no secret that we’re doing business in a time of extraordinary change. Technological disruption, shifts in customer expectations, and evolving work demands have irrevocably altered the landscape in which we operate.
One thing that remains, however, we rely on people to chart the course effectively. When change is a constant and agility is key, the knowledge needed to navigate complexity must be second nature.

By committing to the highest standards in our products and services, we deliver solutions that help achieve and exceed your company goals.


Discover the Solutions Intuition has to offer.