Kim Handysides Voiceover

Top quality eLearning narrator, voiceover on close to 2 dozen Communicator Awards, excellent medical and pharmaceutical vocabulary, quick turn around times, competitive rates.

Founded in
79 Wolseley Ave. N.
Montreal West, QC
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You want a high caliber narrator to seamlessly tie your artful animations and impactful content together with her engaging voiceover. At your beck and call, this eLearning narrator guarantees 24 hour turn-arounds without your team ever worrying about pronunciation mistakes, incorrect words, dropped phrases or missing consonants.

I excel at transmitting dense, complex material to learners in captivating impactful ways. I’ve done this for Pulse Learning, SUNY, IC Axon, Adam Health, Concordia University and hundreds of others.

My rates are competitive and my desire to engage and captivate your learners is key to my success rate.

Let me help you and your projects.


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