KRIYA is a digital learning agency with a dedicated platform for next-gen learning. We develop learning experiences and blended solutions, which your employees can access on our beautiful and intuitive LXP platform.
KRIYA's expertise lies in the design of mLearning solutions, which is learning specifically designed for mobile allows you to learn what you want, wherever you want. Because mobile learning is "learning on the go" there are necessarily some differences with eLearning. Our courses are designed for micro learning and developed around videos that provide information that’s crisp, fast, and engaging, making it today the most popular format of content consumption. Mobile learning videos can be in many formats – live, text based, animations and interactive.
KRIYA offers many high quality off-the-shelf courses that may be customized to help your organization save time and money. Our courses include a variety of interaction types and learning activities, which can be customized to suit an organization's industry or context.
If something completely original is required, we’ll make a bespoke course for you from scratch. If you have courses that you want to revisit, we can do that too. We can redesign the material for an mLearning environment, add lessons and a variety of mobile friendly learning activities.
We have the experience, creativity and technology to offer end-to-end solutions. Starting from curriculum design to course development and deployment on our integrated platform designed for micro learning, social learning and virtual classroom.