melissa eXelberth - Creative Voiceworx, LLC

eLearning Voice Actors

Bilingual storytelling for eLearning, training, and corporate communications. I connect your listeners with your story, engaging them. Narration & character dialogue. See profile for specialties.

Last updated: May 2021
Founded in
372 Franklin Ave. #176
Nutley, NJ 07110
Contact details

Whether it's as expert instructor; engaging educator; casual co-worker in the next cubicle or assembly line floor; colleagues and peers in medical and scientific institutions or industrial facilities; or high finance, insurance  and business organizations, I make your content sound right. 20+ years making things interesting for Pearson Education, Equinor, Danone, Philips Healthcare, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), Lundbeck, Silverchair Learning Systems, Training Partners Plus, Grolier, Practicing Law Institute, the TSI company and many others - with built-in credibility and engagement. Specialties include risk assessment, management, compliance and mitigation; EHS; strategic initiatives; product development and others - across industries - from medical, science, pharma and biotech, to heavy industry to renewables to legal, financial, tech and more.

Broadcast and non-broadcast narration not only for eLearning but for TV and online documentaries, corporate movies, brand anthem films, museums, and B2B multinationals as well as commercials, storyboards, explainers, audio description, animation and much more in both English and Spanish. Film, TV, Streaming, Digital, Mobile, Interactive, Web, AR/VR.


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