Prestige Network

eLearning Translation Providers

An International Language Technology Company In house Software and Technology Team In house Digital Team Covering 200 language in audio, text, video HQ Newbury UK

Last updated: February 2023
Founded in
York House
Contact details
01635 866888

E-Learning and Training Translation

For 30 years we’ve helped organisations of all sizes successfully deliver training and motivational programs in many of the world’s languages. Working with direct clients and training facilitators alike we helped non-English speaking staff sell more cars and vans, scoop more ice cream and provide the right audio systems for their customers. They’ve also been able to engage more efficiently with overseas customers in many sectors, in a multitude of languages.


E-Learning Content We Translate
Due to the nature of e-learning and the variety with which educational resources can be delivered online, there are many different types of e-learning content that we can translate.


E-Learning Software Translation
Audio E-Learning Content
Text Translation
Training Materials
Video Learning
E-Learning Tests
Online Sources