Shelley Avellino British Voice Actor

British e-learning Voice Actor in the USA, specialising in all genres of e-learning from Children's learning apps to medical e-learning.

Founded in
6542 Barbary Circle
Las Vegas
Contact details
(702) 545-8691

Shelley is a freelance full-time British Voiceactor living and working in the States. Specialising in all forms of e-learning, she is the voice of Papumba, an award winning children's learning app, the learning voice for medical students at Bayer Medical and the corporate learning voice for Hilton, Cisco, Ikea, Deloitte, Shell and many more.

Her clients say that her voice, whilst being professional, is still relatable, conversational and friendly and keeps the learners engaged. Having a medical and teaching background, she always sounds like she is an expert in her field, which puts the learner at ease.

Shelley works from her professional home studio and turns most projects around in 24hrs or less, depending on the length and works on every timezone in the world. She uses Source Connect Pro, Connection Open, iPDTL, Skype and phone patch to connect to her clients remotely. Isn't technology wonderful!