The Riehl Deal-Voice Overs with a Twist

Rachelle’s voice has been described as warm, but quirky, likeable, energetic, bubbly, yet believable, and authoritative. Offering a wide range that is well suited for many projects.

Founded in
3620 SW 16th Court
Portland, OR
Contact details

Rachelle Riehl is a female, non-union voice talent based in Portland, Oregon, with a professional home studio that allows for a quick turn around for any project.

She is a native Californian transplanted to Boston via New England Conservatory of Music where she received a double Master’s in Vocal and Opera Performance and now resides in Portland, OR.  After several years of moving back and forth auditioning in the world of Opera as both a full lyric and a coloratura soprano, she made her way back to her true love, Musical Theatre. Since making that change, she has been seen on both the East and West Coast in numerous musical theatre productions as a character actor