
Vado is an off the shelf e-learning courseware provider offering over 375 micro-learning, mobile responsive, editable courses in management development, leadership development, employee business skills and HR compliance.

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Vado is an off the shelf e-learning courseware provider offering over 375 micro-learning, mobile responsive, editable courses in management development, leadership development, employee business skills and HR compliance.

Vado’s courses are designed utilizing three design principles:

1. 70:20:10

Vado is the only off the shelf e-learning courseware provider that helps the learner apply the course on the job.

You are probably familiar with the research that shows:

  • 70% of development happens on the job by doing and practicing
  • 20% of development happens through mentoring and coaching
  • 10% through formal training which includes instructor led workshops and e-learning courses

This research is intuitive as we all grew up with teachers, parents and coaches telling us to practice our spelling words, practice taking the shot, or practice our piano. They did this because they know that people only become great soccer players or great piano players by practicing and practicing.

The same is true for professional skills and competencies. No one is great at giving constructive feedback, negotiating or any other skill or competency by going through an e-learning course. The person needs to practice to become good and then become great!

That is why all Vado courses are designed to help the learner apply the course on the job. Every Vado course starts with a short instructional video that introduces the topic of the course and talks about the benefits of developing the specific skill or competency. Then we get the learner to apply the course on the job by asking the learner to complete an exercise. The exercises are very detailed with step-by-step instructions (in other words, a process to follow while implementing the course on the job). In addition, each course contains a Job Aid that the learner can use while completing the exercise.

The value of Vado’s courses is the development exercise; this is where the learner spends the majority of his/her time to complete a course. Vado’s courses take approximately 30 minutes to complete and these 30 minutes are divided as such:

  • Traditional seat time: 5 minutes
  • On the job exercise: 25 minutes

Vado’s unique design makes Vado’s courses more efficient, effective and powerful than traditional eLearning solutions.

2. Micro-learning

Breaking down information in short, bite sized modules makes it easier for the learner to retain the information. If a learner tries to take in information in long learning modules, the learner can run into information overload. Once at information overload, no more information can be absorbed. The answer is short bite sized learning otherwise known as micro-learning. All of Vado’s courses are short, bite sized courses covering one distinct learning objective at a time.

3. Videos

People in their personal life watch videos to learn new things and they come to work expecting to watch videos to learn new things. So, all of Vado’s courses start with a short instructional video in high definition.