Executive Coaching, but not exclusively to executives. I often coach leaders to become executives. Chnage and Transformation Management and Learning, Interim Management and Leadership Development programs for larger (international) organizations. Next to that I am building e-learning to also make my expertise available in a more formal learning/training setting. Mostly, the solutions provided are a combination of most - blended to make it more learningful and also to make it fit for busy people.
After 30 years of international corporate leadership roles I jumped in 2018 to be an entrepreneur, what an experience and way too late.... after 2 years, I bumped into the biggest corporate in the Netherlands: ASML. They make the most advanced machine on this planet. Apple and Samsung (in fact anything with advanced micro chips) could not produce their advanced products without. I currently lead the team of ASML's Organizational Change and Portfolio Management for their global network of factories. Really needed if you grow 30-40% each year and the ramp-up becomes ever more demanding.
Based on my original education - I am a formal teacher in the areas of electro engineering, informatics, computer science and electronics - I do understand learning. I graduated in 1987 with a project on installing and maintaining solar panels for enginieers, and yes it did contain an extensive e-learning, although not at all comparable with today's e-learning's capabilities of course.
After starting my career as trainer of long term unemployed people, I quickly became a manager of an IT training company. After 5 years I had enough of this and moved to transport and internatinal courier services, big fun! I got myself involved into operations and customer related behaviors (later known as building great customer experience). 7 years of global L&D director, 5 years as Ops director and another 5 as business development director, did some Global Operations Excellence, finished with 4 years in a senior leadership development role and being a mentor/coach for many young (and later-on old) executives. Successfull established a Management Development Center, as well as a corporate academy, winning a few international prizes as well.
What I am most passioned about: learning, change, team building, leadership, coaching/mentoring and making processes and systems work through people.
Now, as I said, on my own and having great fun with using my passion and expertise with whoever likes to tap into it. In doing this, I am always curious about who you are and how you see and experience a specific problem. I always like to do some personal investigation, afterwhich I like to add my perspective to your views as well, to co-create solutions that stick and don't need anymore external influence.
My aim is always to leave behind the capabilities in your organization to do without me.
Always willing to have a virtual coffee to see if I can provide a fresh perspective on solutions your seek. And sometimes this includes in obvious solutions you already have at hand - even better!