Easy Projects

Enterprise Work & Project Management platform for teams and departments across the organization.

Who Uses This Software?

Teams of 10-100 people managing Marketing, IT, Operations, Software Development, and Professional Services projects.

  • Large Enterprises (>10,000)
  • Small/Medium Businesses
  • Accounting
  • Computer Software
  • Management Consulting
  • Other
  • Program Development
  • Desktop Application
  • Mobile Application
  • Self-Hosted Cloud-based
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Documentation
  • In Person
  • Live Online
  • Webinars
  • Business Hours
  • Live Online
  • Online Community

What is Easy Projects?

As a professional provider of project management services, Easy Projects helps teams efficiently and quickly plan projects and deliver their best work. These cloud-based services improve team collaboration, keep clients engaged throughout the project lifecycle, and keep budgets and expenses under control.

Easy Projects enables hassle-free planning and execution. Project management tools like Gantt charts, Kanban board, resource loading simulations and project calendars allow users to efficiently manage tasks and projects and map out all activities on a timeline. Critical paths and multiple dependencies can also be clearly laid out so project managers can anticipate changes to the deadline. With all these capabilities, businesses can take service delivery to the next level.

Moreover, Easy Projects offers a comprehensive set of financial tools that can help teams stay on budget and manage costs. Expense tracking and project billing features help keep teams from going over budget, while the software’s time tracking features allow for accurate tracking of employees’ billable hours. EasyProjects also offers detailed reporting capabilities to help managers view and analyze project performance and profitability and identify bottlenecks in activities and tasks.

Easy Projects’ services also ensure easy communication within teams and departments. Messaging capabilities allow team members to exchange messages at the task or project level. Users can receive email notifications of the messages they receive as well. The software also has an intuitive interface that teams can easily understand and master.

Overview of Easy Projects benefits

Uninterrupted cash flow and accurate billing
Easy Projects can improve billing and cashflow for businesses. Expense tracking tools help managers with tracking planned and actual expenses. Project managers will also be able to set a budget and track this budget against actual costs while billing clients through options such as resource hourly, project, and task rate. Built-in time tracking capabilities also ensure that employees accurately track their billable hours.

Optimize resource use and project costs
Easy Projects offers tools that help businesses optimize resource utilization while keeping costs down. Through the software’s Project Resource Loading Simulator, managers can check employee availability for future projects and organize teams based on specific skills and availability. This feature prevents scheduling conflicts and work overload scenarios. More importantly, by properly allocating employee time and workloads, managers can maintain employee job satisfaction and productivity.

Machine learning and AI features for project completion forecasting
Easy Projects uses machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to help project managers predict project completion dates. These algorithms take a number of factors into account, including team members involved in the project, team members’ past performance history, and how quickly tasks are completed within the project. Using these factors, Easy Projects can inform project managers of the dates by which projects will most likely be completed. The knowledge can help project managers avoid overtime payments, missed deadlines, and unhappy clients.


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