What is evolCampus?
evolCampus is the easiest and most effective LMS to start your online training today.
Designed to be used without previous eLearning knowledge by companies, consultancy firms, academies, universities...
No installation needed. No technical issues.
Start today and create courses in minutes.
It is the first Learning Management System at a flexible prize. Pay only for the learners you need.
Start your 14 day free trial.
Special features:
- White Brand: customize your training platform with the corporate image of your company, logo, and colour.
- Easy creation of eLearning content.
- Wide variety of reports, graphs and control panels.
- Smart tracking on the students' progress.
- Evaluation controls of your students.
- Create customized certificates and diplomas.
- You can use a good variety of communication tools: chat, Forum debates,
- Integrates the main videoconference systems.
- Saas cloud based system.
- Use our API to integrate our LMS with your system.
- Technical Support Team at your disposal.
Hire it now and start your online training today.