What is Examkul-Online Education software?
Our online examination system provides multiple ways to manage exams virtually for your K-12 students. It would help you to simplify exam administration, reduce the cost of managing exam process. AI-proctored technology helps you to detect or prevent exam cheating or any other malpractices. Our experts panel check & analyze all the answer sheets thoroughly and make a performance report with the student’s SWOT analysis, so that everyone (Student, Teacher, Parents) will get to know about the strong and weak areas of aspirants.
Examkul conducted so many school certifications tests, mock exams, academic exams, scholarship tests for different boards, schools, colleges & NGOs successfully.
Overview of Examkul-Online Education software benefits
Examkul is complete concoction of online and offline testexam management for the students. It is a platform where we gauge the overall performance of a student through conducting sets of examinations.Our services not only focus on conduction of exams but also on providing the students with complete personalised result analysis.
We aim at delivering reliable and secure high stake exams. From multiple-choice to written exams, ensure they are taken in exam conditions with our robust proctoring tools.We do this by making it quick and simple to deliver secure tests. They are easy to create.
Results are instantly marked and data is easy to analyze. We provide professional services to help customers make the most of the platform and we provide a range of ready-made assessments. We combine the delivery of e-learning courses with robust exams to redefine the learning journey.