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What is Kissflow Workflow?

KiSSFLOW is a cloud hosted platform that helps business users easily design, create, and customize business applications. It takes a lightweight approach to BPM and puts the power of creating workflows back in the hands of people who understand the problems best.

KiSSFLOW comes with about 50 pre-installed business applications such as employee onboarding, purchase orders, mileage reimbursement, vendor payment, and many more. Users can either install these apps and edit them to their preferences, or they can build their own from the ground up. The business application also includes a form to capture data, a workflow with a sequence of system and human task, reports, and notifications.

KiSSFLOW advertises that it has more than 10,000+ customers across 121 countries. The product includes support for Spanish and Portuguese. They have large enterprise customers like Pepsi, Dominos, Sysco, Michelin, Danone, and Flipkart. They also have an extremely large SMB market base.

Overview of Kissflow Workflow benefits

KiSSFLOW takes a human-centric approach to workflow creation. That means that a process owner can map a workflow simply in the way he or she visually thinks about the process, not in the way a system interprets it. Anyone can sit down with KiSSFLOW and make an automated business application exactly the way it should be. KiSSFLOW users can get started with a great app for their businesses for as quickly as 15 minutes. The interface is simple both for the creator and the user. On top of that, the tool comes with a free-of-cost 14 days trial that lets users examine the functions before they make a final purchase for the basic $6 plan, or a higher, business-adequate version.



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