
Mockplus Cloud is a leading web-based collaboration platform for teams of all kinds. It streamlines your design collaboration & handoff workflow

Who Uses This Software?

UI/UX designers, product managers, developers

  • Academic
  • Freelancers
  • Large Enterprises (>10,000)
  • Non Profits
  • Public Administrations
  • Small/Medium Businesses
  • Computer Software
  • Design
  • Desktop Application
  • Mobile Application
  • Software as a Service / Cloud
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Documentation
  • Online Tutorials
  • Business Hours
  • Email
  • FAQ
  • Online Community

What is Mockplus?

Mockplus Cloud is a leading web-based collaboration platform for teams of all kinds. It streamlines your design collaboration & handoff workflow and also offers full-on project and task management, design system to take your team collaboration to the next level. It allows you to create PRDs, design review with teams, hand off designs & prototypes, automatically generate accurate specs, assets, code snippets and more. Everyone in a product design team can get what they need to scale productivity.

Mockplus Cloud shares a central space for teams to build and evolve consistent design systems effortlessly. Simply collect design assets - like colors, fonts, components, layer styles and more style guides - from design tools like Sketch.

So, all designers, devs, PMs and other teammates can speak the same design language throughout your product design lifecycle.

Overview of Mockplus benefits

Auto-generated design handoff

Everything turns auto with Mockplus Cloud! Turn Sketch, Adobe XD, PS, Axure, and Figma files into accessible design measurements, layer data, assets, and codes. No need to manually reference screens, redline elements, or prepare image assets.

Custom specs and codes

Use 5 tools to add custom requirements, layer data and notes directly on the screen to bake a much more complete spec document.

Easy to discuss and feedback

Leave comments directly on the disputed parts and add tags to notify teammates, effectively shortening the discussion process.

Compare versions fast

Compare any two design pages and versions in 4 ways, and keep track of all changes and differences in a breeze.


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