Tech Solutions to HR Problems Learn more
  • Large Enterprises (>10,000)
  • Small/Medium Businesses
  • Desktop Application
  • Mobile Application
  • Self-Hosted Cloud-based
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Documentation
  • In Person
  • Live Online
  • Online Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Email
  • FAQ
  • Phone

What is Newired?

Newired is a digital adoption solution that allows companies and organizations to create seamless, smooth, and positive experiences for their users, with interactive, step-by-step guidance or tooltips. With Newired, users are guided through the completion of tasks and processes, even complex ones, and mistakes are reduced or even avoided completely.

Newired doesn’t require companies to redesign or overhaul their websites and web applications to ensure a smooth experience for their clients and visitors. Creating Newired Journeys and Tips doesn’t involve coding or system re-configuration, so it can be done by those who know the business processes best: HR trainers, team supervisors, business process owners. None of whom needs to have programming knowledge for this.

Companies simply install a small server-side guidance layer component in their existing corporate web-infrastructure or on a dedicated cloud, which can be managed by Newired if required. They then capture the know-how of their own experts through an easy desktop application to create “Journeys,” which are in-app guides for every step in every process, or “Tips,” contextual tooltips that give information on given page elements. Newired transforms frustrating online experiences into smooth flows, so end users can get things done and accomplish what they set out to do every time.

Overview of Newired benefits

Newired delivers a quick and successful digital adoption, also allowing you to take ownership of the usability of your website, online applications, and more. There are many instances where visitors get frustrated when using digital resources, because they just don’t know who to turn to to accomplish their goal. Newired changes all that.

The solution is intended for websites and web-based tools and platforms with an enterprise context, to facilitate and enhance activities such as onboarding, training, adoption and support.

As you use Newired to create smooth and seamless experiences for your users and visitors, you also enjoy significant savings on training costs and support. Your users become happier and less frustrated in digital environments, increasing your adoption and satisfaction rating and coming back for more.

Newired also allows you to achieve huge savings on training costs, allocating fewer people to enable and support your personnel. Your users become happier and less frustrated with your website, impacting on the ROI.

With Newired, your customers are very involved every single time they visit. That means better, increased user engagement for your website, which can easily convert into more conversions and sales. In addition to customer onboarding and corporate training, Newired Journeys is also great for customer care, product management, online sales and marketing.


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