What is productboard?
We rely on our teammates’ curiosity to understand the deepest needs of our customers. We always ask WHY?
We make sure we understand our objectives and we strive to work on things that matter the most. We speak up when we feel otherwise.
We are creative and we seek inspiration from the best in any and all fields. We come up with several options and we test and iterate until we hit our goals.
We appreciate both functional and emotional aspects of our design. We focus on simplicity. We seek meaningful connections with our users.
We relentlessly innovate and improve our tools, processes, and organization.
We all have access to the company’s business metrics. We celebrate our progress and we learn from our setbacks.
We work together as a team, leveraging each other’s expertise and experience, regardless of where in the world each of us may be.
Overview of productboard benefits
Insights repository.
Understand what users really need
Use the Insights board to consolidate product ideas, requests, research, and feedback streaming in from a number of sources. Spot trends and identify patterns that will help you prioritize what to build next and build it in the right way.
User insights
See who needs what... and why
Highlight interesting insights in user research & feedback and link them to related feature ideas. For each feature, see everyone who has ever requested it and exactly what they said.
Flexible product hierarchy
Keep your feature backlog manageable
Outline feature ideas according to the user need they address, or switch to a flat list view to sort them by priority. Maintain peace of mind with a manageable product backlog.
Strategic drivers
Prioritize features using strategic criteria
Define the strategic criteria you’ll use to make prioritization decisions. Visualize how features support key product & company objectives and watch the most promising features rise to the top.