  • Large Enterprises (>10,000)
  • Small/Medium Businesses
Use Cases
  • Blended Learning
  • Compliance Training
  • Employee Training
  • Software as a Service / Cloud
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Live Online
  • Online Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Business Hours
  • Email
  • Phone
Supported Specifications
  • SCORM 1.1
  • SCORM 1.2
  • SCORM 2004 3rd Edition

What is SlidePresenter?

Empower your employees to turn their knowledge into engaging video content without any prior experience or technical skill! Thanks to our intuitive user interface, all employees can create and edit their own video content within minutes and enrich it with numerous interactive features such as quizzes and surveys.

Afterwards, the employee-generated video content can be easily and securely shared with colleagues or the whole organization with just one click on your own corporate video platform. This saves you valuable time and resources in your corporate knowledge transfer.

What’s more: You create a central and attractive point of contact for your colleagues. On your enterprise video platform, all employees receive helpful knowledge content to answer their individual questions “in the flow of work,” and are on top of that also encouraged to browse, like, and interact with additional employee-generated video content.

The use cases for SlidePresenter are as diverse as your company's requirements: from quick click instructions, product trainings to internal onboardings, e-learnings or hands-on learning nuggets.

Overview of SlidePresenter benefits

  • Enable self-directed, continuous learning in your organization with easy-to-understand video content.
  • Increase the performance of your (new) employees by making knowledge available anytime and anywhere.
  • Reduce frequent questions from colleagues by allowing them to quickly and easily produce and share explanatory video content. - Increase the motivation of your employees to share knowledge with colleagues thanks to an intuitive user experience for easy content creation.
  • Include your employees in your knowledge transfer and thus strengthen their loyalty to your company.
  • Empower employees of all departments and job levels to share their knowledge with colleagues across the organization.
  • Create a diverse learning experience with formal learning and training formats as well as employee-generated learning via video content.
  • Save the resources of your L&D department by integrating your employees into the knowledge transfer.
  • Create a central video platform where your employees can always find exactly the knowledge they need to do their best work.

Learn more about the features that differentiate SlidePresenter from the competition.


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