What is The Knowledge Coop?
The Knowledge Coop is a SaaS based enhanced Learning Management System. The "enhancement" is the addition of several features which make it much more than just an LMS. Those would include: document storage, doc searchability by word, live video meeting capability.
Knowledge Coop specializes in Mortgage Training, and has content specific to Mortgage Compliance and CE, however, the enhanced LMS system has applications to a wide variety of possible applications.
The system can be used for any business as a Virtual Workspace, a place where documents, videos, and live webinars can be used by staff. This combination of functionality makes Knowledge Coop's Coop, a unique system in the marketplace.
Overview of The Knowledge Coop benefits
The Knowledge Coop is a learning platform with document storage, search by word, and video conferencing built in. Many clients actually replace their intranet or Sharepoint with the Knowledge Coop LMS due to the robust document storage and ease of management. The ability to ask and answer in a true living, breathing built-in FAQ also sets us apart. Furthermore, our system is extremely friendly to video, allowing clients to send out daily, weekly, and monthly timely videos. Based in Camas Washing, Knowledge Coop has been producing high quality training videos, for over 17 years. Those high quality videos can reside in our LMS or you can add your own. Knowledge Coop also has flexible billing options so you can budget accordingly. While specializing in Mortgage Lending, we have clients in Banking, Associations, and Non Profits who use our platform with great success.