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What is UPtick?

UPtick is a practice simulator for sales people that delivers engaging 3D simulations reflecting the real-life customer interactions they face. Like a batting cage, UPtick gives reps the opportunity to repeatedly practice these interactions in a safe place to develop critical thinking skills and judgment essential for their success.

Our platform’s effectiveness has been proven by earning four coveted Brandon Hall Awards for Best Advance in Unique Sales Enablement Tech, Gaming or Simulation Tech, Sales Training Online Application, and Emerging Sales Enablement Tech.

UPtick solves several talent-related challenges sales organizations face with cutting-edge simulations and the integration of award-winning instructor-led training, among them:

  • Onboarding
  • Assessment
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Engagement

This comprehensive system benefits every person, from new hires to those in sales leadership positions. Save time, money, and opportunity with UPtick 3D Sales Simulations. 

Overview of UPtick benefits

Learn in a Remote Selling Ecosystem.

  • Practice connecting with prospects and effectively managing remote interactions from pre-call planning all the way through deal closing.
  • Get immediate feedback on performance using UPtick’s AI-driven virtual coach.
  • Scoring, assessment, and feedback tools designed and validated by an I/O psychologist specifically for complex selling environments.
  • New modules added regularly, throughout the lifetime of your contract, at no extra cost to you!

Take Advantage of our Blended Sales Success Model.

  • Enhance the experiential learning within the simulations with 16 instructor-led sales training sessions delivered over the course of 6 months.
  • Ensure that UPtick compliments your existing training stack.
  • As the simulations provide deep insight into each individuals’ strengths and weaknesses, the instructor-led training is personalized to reinforce and extend the learnings.

All with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Our solution has been tried and tested by companies such as John Hancock, Nestlé Purina, Mars and many others, with tremendous results.

We are so confident in the ability of UPtick to drive change within client environments, that we are providing a guarantee that our solution will have a positive impact on your organization, no strings attached. 


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