Photo of Ken Turner(LION)

Ken Turner(LION)

Online Course Developer, Teacher at Virtual High School, Speaker
I am an explorer and innovator at heart. It is my firm belief that the learning culture of business organizations need to re-evaluate their position. My passion is for instructing online, instructional design and innovation. Creating an atmosphere of sustained engagement in ongoing learning for employees needs to be one of the drivers of business organizations.
22 articles
6 topics
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April 20, 2019 | Sponsored

Fail Safe: The Needed Paradigm Shift, Part 2

The training culture has been with us since the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th to the early 20th century. At the time, it served its purpose to maintain effective production. The demands of the 21st century effectively state that the training culture needs a paradigm shift to a learning culture.
March 10, 2019 | Sponsored

Fail Safe: Business Culture And The New eLearning, Part 1

As we venture more and more into new technologies that are increasingly impacting on the way organizations do business, we are starting to recognize the importance of the knowledge economy. How well we are performing is reflected upon whether or not our learning culture has a failsafe in place.
July 19, 2018

Elements Of A True Learning Culture: Employee Engagement

As suggested in Part I of this article, the development of a true learning culture within business organizations is no longer a "we will experiment with this if we have time but let's keep doing what we have always done" choice. It has become an essential to healthy organizational growth that enables an organization to truly compete on the new digital playing field.