Catching Up With The eLearning Revolution

Catching Up With The eLearning Revolution
Syda Productions/
Summary: This is how the efficient eLearning software development companies of today are altering the learning landscape we have grown up with.

eLearning Revolution: Be A Leader Not A Follower

Our education industry is witnessing many radical changes as we sit around in front of our computers and smartphones. Internet based education is gradually taking over and we are pretty content with it.

What Is eLearning After All? Has It Become That Important In Education?

When we think about online learning or internet based education models, we are hit with a realization of how far we’ve come from the days when the internet first came into being. We now are able to comprehend that the physical presence of a teacher or the lack of it rather is no longer a hindrance. eLearning is becoming a very rapidly growing industry with affordable distance learning solutions present almost everywhere and within the reach of everyone who uses a smart device and has access to the internet.

The Changing Education Trends: How Custom eLearning Solutions Impact Our Lives

  • Our computers and internet make for a good eLearning tool
  • Quality education can easily be facilitated from virtually anywhere across the globe
  • With eLearning you get the ability to share the most interactive study materials such as photos and videos, slideshows, animations, word documents, and PDFs
  • Rising popularity of webinars or live online classes has made it even more unique and all encompassing
  • One can easily communicate with their teachers, trainers/instructors and/or professors via a chat window or a message forum

Higher Level Of Student Engagement

What we saw in the past was students enrolled in online education getting isolated and missing out on typical classroom action that actually benefits their cooperative instincts and social skills. Yes, this was one of the primary problems of online learning back in the days. But those days are gone now and students are now collaborating with one another more frequently. The standard practice of giving in the completed assignments and just waiting for the grades to come in is done away with.

Today’s custom eLearning solutions are now coming up with better and new tools and apps that are highly suitable for the social child, encourage collaboration among students, and also help them gain better and a wider perspective of their studies. The courses are being structured in a different manner now and we are seeing stronger and more beneficial social connections in the virtual classroom and outside it as well. Needless to mention this is the kind of collaborative atmosphere that is needed and is far more important than anything else right now. It functions as a realistic approach that is essential to prepare the students for real world problems and eventual work life.

Wide Acceptance Of Online Education

We have been more than welcoming of this change to be honest. This is not our traditional way of imbibing education, yet we are more than accepting of this trend partly because we have understood the importance of the passion our children are invested in from the start, and also partly because we have stopped having unrealistic expectations out of them, which is again very commendable on our part. And this is a very big reason why eLearning software development is becoming huge. According to an independent survey, around 71% of educational leaders that were surveyed clearly stated that eLearning or online education has grown to become an essential part of their long-range planning. Close to 75% of those leaders say and believe eLearning to have outcomes as fine as those of traditional learning and they readily admit this method of education to have gained more traction over the past few years.

Learning Has Gone Mobile

Did you know that several independent studies have projected a rapid increase in the global mobile Internet traffic in the coming years? The numbers are in and stand at a staggering sevenfold increase resulting in a massive jump between 2016 and 2021. Combine this with the fact that learning is going mobile, it brings more convenience for students because they can easily access learning materials from anywhere on the go at absolutely anytime.

Are We Simplifying Academic Projects?

We all know how we as students always struggled with our essays, thesis and research papers, and several other projects. Well, what we see now is a more comprehensive yet simpler approach to all this. The online learning industry has set out to change all of it by incorporating more of written assignments. Learners get precise instructions about their assignments and getting through their projects and essays becomes easier.

Are There Any Time Restrictions?

Obviously no because there is no coming and leaving time of the teacher and no bell is going to sound after every lecture ends. This is the most endearing advantage of web-based learning. It comes with freedom to learn anything at absolutely any time of the day. Students are not restricted by specific timings and thus are capable of attending any lecture or webinar of their choice even in the middle of the night or early in the morning before leaving for school. This lets them be more productive and also lets them catch up with any missed lectures at school.

Everyone Can Get Educated

One thing that we all should be proud of is the ability of our eLearning software development experts to come up with online education modules that are suitable for everyone who has access to the internet and can operate a computer or a smart device. Distance learning programs of today are much more affordable when we compare them to the ones available up until a few years ago or the traditional college courses that we have. In addition to this, the students don’t have to pay for accommodation, books, transportation, food, and other related expenses. So that’s how everyone can have education regardless of their background or financial standing.

Grading And Reporting Is Very Efficient

No matter where you are located or on what date you have gotten yourself enrolled, custom eLearning solutions are built to grade your performance and give you a report on time regardless of your date of exam. This is done by automation and effectively reducing the amount of administrative time required to assess and evaluate the papers.

Final Thoughts

So, this was just a little glimpse of how our education industry is changing. You’ve seen it change too. Are you thinking about getting your very own custom eLearning solution as well? Do you know what all goes into creating an app or a program that effectively educates our coming generation? If not, get in touch with your eLearning software development company right now!

Originally published on January 12, 2019