What You Need To Keep In Mind When Mapping Your Flash To HTML5 Conversion
HTML5 has the ability to deliver learning across devices, a capability every company should use to the benefit of their training program. But, like all transitions, it has the potential to be bogged down with inefficient conversion methodology, resulting in an expensive and sluggish timetable. It is important to establish the exact changes you want to make before diving into the conversion process. Here are some things you should keep in mind when mapping your legacy Flash courses to HTML5.
Do Audio And Video Need An Upgrade?
When you’re in the process of converting to HTML5, you should also evaluate the media in your courses. Is the information in your video outdated? Do audio segments portray dated methodologies? Are the stock photos obviously dated? Now is the perfect time to invest in a change. This technology update provides the best time to update media to reflect new branding, policy and procedure.
When considering these updates, don’t forget about Virtual Reality. From Google Cardboard to Oculus Rift, there are Virtual Reality options available for all budgets. Only 11% of the population has donned a Virtual Reality headgear, but 91% feel positive about the potential experience when given information about the platform. This technology is still evolving, but it represents all kinds of untapped potential.
Should You Gamify?
This time of transition gives you the opportunity to consider implementing another eLearning trend— gamification. If you are planning on updating audio and video, why not also consider using HTML5 to enable a learning-based game. When gamification is deployed to impact a specific learning objective, your learners benefit from more interactivity with higher retention. (Plus, games are often appreciated by employees.)
Like learning modules, games created in HTML5 can be accessed through any web browser. With an engaging game, you tap into the activities user are doing anyway—mobile gaming—and provide them with ways to stay connected and informed throughout the day.
Should You Keep The Course Fixed Or Open It?
Flash-based courses offer only fixed navigation. And with phones and many browsers lacking Flash functionality, they can only be operated on a certain number of select, local devices. HTML5 allows a greater degree of freedom with open navigation, which allows for learning modules to be accessed through a browser on desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
This offers a range of fantastic mobile learning opportunities for employees. Not only can they learn at their convenience, the information contained in the courses is available for easy access on their personal mobile device. If an issue arises in the workplace, a solution from the curriculum you’ve built is only a couple taps away. Plus, the flexibility of an open HTML5 navigation is more in line with the characteristics of adult learners.
Should Modules Be Reorganized To Fit Within A Fluid Formatting Structure?
HTML5 allows for fluid reformatting across devices. If you only export a legacy course into an elastic HTML5 format, it will difficult to view or navigate on phones and tablets. However, if you include a responsive redesign in your conversion process, the course now becomes easy to use on any device.
It is important to consider how these smaller chunks are presented and in what order. Walls of text may require rewriting, or some modules need to be redesigned to make sense in a more fluid design. These will require active reorganizing in order to accommodate all devices.
There are many benefits to transitioning legacy Flash courses, and most companies will eventually convert to HTML5 or abandon their Flash courses. But many companies are jumping into conversion without properly fleshing out and mapping the entirety of the process. HTML5 conversion is an opportunity to ensure your training is more aligned with your learning strategy. Make sure you get it right by thinking through the conversion process.