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Your Step-By-Step Guide To Design High-Impact Blended Training Programs - Featuring 7 Success Stories


Your Step-By-Step Guide To Design High-Impact Blended Training Programs - Featuring 7 Success Stories

by EI Design / Published: Mar 29 2018

What it's about

This eBook provides a step-by-step guide that you can use as you embark on the conversion of your ILT program to a Blended Training program. These inputs will certainly help you in creating a high-impact Blended Training program. More specifically, you can use the tips and best practices to optimize your current Blended Training programs.

Key chapters

  • Section 1 – Basics

    The first section starts with the definition of blended training and then examines why is there an increase in the adoption of blended training.
  • Section 2 – Benefits

    This section outlines the key benefits that organizations and learners will see as the ILT programs move to a more flexible, blended training approach. It also outlines the top 5 challenges that you are likely to encounter as you begin the process of transformation.
  • Section 3 – Deployment

    This section outlines the key models that can be used to determine the “blend” of training from ILT to varied degrees of online training mix. More significantly, it provides cues on how to use our Step-by-Step toolkit that you can use to chart your way forward.
  • Section 4 – Tips and Best Practices

    This section outlines the practical tips and best practices that can be used to increase the impact of blended training. These cues in addition to the Step-by-Step toolkit will assist you in creating a successful transformation.
  • Section 5 – Featuring 7 success stories

    The last section of the eBook features 7 success stories that will give you a food for thought and practical insights for blending a similar ILT program.

    This includes:

    1. 5 examples featuring corporate training on how you can enhance the impact of ILT by adopting a blended training approach.

    2. 2 examples featuring how you can enhance the impact of ILT by adopting a blended training approach in higher education.

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