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mLearning: A Must-Have Strategy To Train Remote Employees In The New Learning Environment


mLearning: A Must-Have Strategy To Train Remote Employees In The New Learning Environment

by EI Design / Published: Oct 15 2020

What it's about

This eBook, mLearning: A Must-Have Strategy To Train Remote Employees In The New Learning Environment, outlines mLearning strategies and examples you can use to train remote learners by focusing on how you can craft learning journeys from a distance.

Key chapters

  • Why mLearning Is A Must-Have Strategy In The New Learning Environment

    This section begins with the current context and the impact of the pandemic on the workplace. It captures the factors responsible for triggering the rapid adoption of mLearning. It outlines how mLearning meets the entire spectrum of training needs, including formal training, instant/just-in-time learning aids, informal learning, self-directed learning, and social or collaborative learning, bringing in value for both the learners as well as the organization.
  • How You Can Leverage mLearning For Your Training And Development Programs

    This section begins with the 70-20-10 L&D model that is adopted extensively by global organizations for their training programs. mLearning is well-aligned to the same logic. Its multi-device capability and the ability to mix and match different types of content make mLearning the perfect strategy to deliver better learning outcomes. It concludes by talking about the various types of mLearning content formats that can be used for training and development programs by leveraging a learning and performance ecosystem.
  • What mLearning Strategies You Should Include In Your Remote Workforce Training Programs

    This section lists out 10 mLearning strategies that you should use when training your remote workforce. These strategies—when implemented effectively—will definitely show an improvement in learner performance and bring about behavioral change.
  • How To Use mLearning For Remote Learners: 7 Examples Featuring A Week-Long Learning Journey

    This section outlines how you can leverage mLearning to help remote learners learn, apply, practice, or gain further proficiencies. It further illustrates 7 examples of how mLearning can help remote learners at each juncture of their day, as they work from home.

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