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What Should You NOT Do When Using Gamification


What Should You NOT Do When Using Gamification

by ELB Learning / Published: Jul 25 2024

What it's about

In an era of labor shortages and quiet quitting, many companies use gamification to engage and motivate employees. However, incorrect use can harm workplace learning. Discover red flags to watch for in this eBook.

Key chapters

  • Do Not Push Ineffective Training

    Gamification can motivate people to engage with your content, but they will quickly lose interest if they aren't learning or feel like you are wasting their time.
  • Do Not Drive Unsustainable Productivity

    Points, streaks, and leaderboards can manipulate people into working (or training) beyond their limits. This may lead to some short-term gains, but in the long run, it results in mistakes and burnout.
  • Do Not Prioritize Speed Over Quality

    Timed games can drive people to complete things faster, but true performance improvement takes time. You do not want people to simply click through an eLearning course without really learning anything or keep making the same mistakes on the job because they’re moving too fast.

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