Mobile Apps For Learning: eBook - Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy

Mobile Apps For Learning: Free eBook - Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy
Summary: This eBook Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy provides pointers on how you can use mobile apps for learning to step up your learner engagement quotient and application of the acquired learning on the job.

Using Mobile Apps For Learning

This eBook Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy is designed to help organizations who are on the lookout for innovative learning strategies to engage learners and enhance employee performance.

As the Chief Learning Strategist for EI Design, I have practical experience of architecting eLearning and mLearning solutions (including performance support) for customers globally for over 15 years. I also head our Learning Innovation Lab initiative and closely track the changing landscape of tools, technologies, learners’ expectations, and business needs.

I have combined my practical experiences as an Instructional Designer and as a member of our Solution Architecting team to create this eBook.

I provide several insights on why you should evaluate mobile apps for eLearning as a significant part of your learning strategy. I begin with their definition, the benefits they offer, and how exactly you can use them (illustrated through a case study).

I also share pointers on how you can use mobile apps for learning to leverage on the prevailing trends like microlearning and social learning and integrate strategies like learning paths and gamification.

What You Can Expect From The eBook

Through a series of questions and answers, the eBook Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy addresses the typical questions you may have as you look at adopting mobile apps for learning.

I also share a case study that will help you understand how you can use a microlearning-based nugget through a mobile app. I wrap up with the additional possibilities that mobile apps for learning offer.

The eBook addresses questions like:

  1. Why are mobile apps being talked about as the future of learning?
  2. What are mobile apps for learning?
  3. What are the advantages of using mobile applications for learning?
  4. Why are mobile applications for learning the right fit for your learning strategy?
  5. How can you use mobile apps for learning to uplift your existing learning strategy?
  6. How you can use mobile apps for microlearning-based training? (Features a case study)
  7. What more is possible to achieve with mobile applications for learning?

About The eBook

The eBook is organized as:

Section 1

Why are mobile apps being talked about as the future of learning?

In this section, we look at factors that are driving the adoption of mobile applicationss for learning and why you should evaluate them to enhance your learning strategy.

Section 2

What are mobile apps for learning?

In this section, we look at the definition of mobile apps for learning. We also look at how exactly they fare against traditional eLearning models of delivery.

Section 3

What are the advantages of using mobile apps for learning?

In this section, we look at various benefits you will accrue as you adopt mobile applications for learning.

Section 4

Why are mobile apps for learning the right fit for your learning strategy?

In this section, I outline my list of 10 reasons why you should adopt mobile applications for learning.

Section 5

How can you use mobile apps for learning to uplift your existing learning strategy?

In this section, we look at how mobile apps can be used for both formal as well as informal training.

Section 6

How you can use mobile apps for microlearning-based training? (Features a case study)

In this section, we look at a case study to understand how mobile apps for learning can be used and the impact they will create. The case study features gamification and microlearning strategies to create a punchy and immersive learning experience.

Section 7

What more is possible to achieve with mobile apps for learning?

In this section, we look at the possibilities of meshing other prevailing and trending approaches to double the impact of your mobile apps based training.

Do download this eBook Why Mobile Apps Are The Right Fit For Your Learning Strategy for insights on how you can see the value in both learner engagement and employee performance by using apps for learning. If you have any specific queries or would like to see how you can use mobile apps for learning (in online or in blended form) in your organization, do contact me at [email protected].

Originally published on April 3, 2017