Should The Challenges Of Mobile Learning In Corporate Training Stop You From Using it?

Should The Challenges Of Mobile Learning In Corporate Training Stop You From Using it?
Summary: Ever forgotten your phone at home and spent the entire day reaching in your pocket for something that wasn’t there? Sounds like a bad day, right? Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives and our learning. But are the challenges of mobile learning too great to bear? Maybe, maybe not.

5 Mobile Training Challenges You Think Can Defeat You, And How To Come Out On Top

Do you remember the first moment you realized that a mobile phone can double up as a training companion? Pure joy! That was probably around 2013 when mobile learning in corporate training became the norm. And ever since, you’ve watched as mLearning swept across the globe [1].

But your excitement has worn thin because the benefits of mobile learning just seem too far to reach. Too many mountains of obstacles and you’re done climbing. Still, something at the back of your mind says “there must be a better way”. Mobile learning is here to stay, and by turning your back, could your company be the one left behind?

Well, instead of getting desperate, it’s time to get smart. Get a handle on the situation, and be organized in your approach. By recognizing the drawbacks of mobile learning, you can find ways to unleash its potential in corporate training. So, the question is, what are the challenges of mobile learning that have been keeping you back, and how can you tackle them?

Being Unaware Of The Learning Objectives

Imagine that you’re a Sales Rep, and you’ve been completing mLearning modules on persuasion tactics and conflict resolution for the past couple of weeks. But you’re unsure about what comes next. A gold star for completion is nice, but it won’t pay the bills. So, what you really want to know is, how will your learning translate into more sales?

The point is, one of the mLearning challenges companies struggle with most is making training realistic and relevant to the real-world application. Because when learners don’t understand how the content relates to their job or their performance, they’re unlikely to practice their new skills in the workplace.

But this is a mobile training challenge with a straightforward fix. Ensure that your content is structured along a logical learning path, with clear and practical outcomes for their work. Moreover, hold managers accountable for linking mobile training goals to performance objectives. Now you’re winning!

Measuring Your Learners’ Progress

One of the most common mobile training challenges experienced by companies today is the evaluation, a relatively new approach. In other words, how do you know whether your mobile training has been successful or not?

There are few formal measurement systems to use as a benchmark for mobile training evaluation. But, as companies continue to adopt mobile phones as tools for training, the development of metrics and analytical tools needed to track the success of mobile learning programs is bound to come. What you can do is watch this space!

Small Screens

Let’s be honest: mobile learning is not eLearning on a phone. Why? Because mobile phones have small screens (yes, we’ve seen the iPhone X). And this means that content designed for the screen space of larger devices, like laptops and desktops, often doesn’t fit well on mobile phones.

Content becomes shrunken, squished and difficult to engage with, which often pushes learners to turn away from it completely. After all, screwing up your eyes to read a set of notes on a 5-inch screen is an unpleasant experience for most. And who carries magnifying glasses with them anymore? This isn’t the 14th century!

Chin up! There’s a fail-proof strategy to win this battle. Find a mobile learning app with compatibility for iOS and Android. This will ensure that your training content is responsive, and fits snug on the screen of a phone. Or, if your content is text-heavy, or includes detailed infographics, you might want to consider a learning app with microlearning content designed specifically for mobile engagement.

Data Security Risks

The S-word on everyone’s minds: security! With hacking and phishing becoming popular sports for mischievous tech geeks, every company is on high alert. Unfortunately, as personal devices, mobile phones can be tricky to secure. And this puts your company’s data at risk.

You can overcome this mobile training challenge by implementing strict security policies and carrying out regular vulnerability scans to monitor risks of security breaches. You should also ensure that your mLearning platform is secure with verified logins and 2-factor authentication.

If it’s critical that your company data remain confidential, and if a breach could have serious company-wide implications, then mobile learning might not be for you. In fact, BYOD (bring your own device) is probably too risky an approach in general. In this case, eLearning on fixed desktops in the office, using the company server, is the way to go.

Battery Life Restricting Learning Time

Battery life is one of the most overlooked, but ever-present limitations of mobile learning. It doesn’t matter how fancy the phone (yes, even iPhone X!) - it will die, probably within less than 24 hours. So, unless you’re carrying a charger around, or bring a fully charged phone to work every day, mobile learning might not always be available to you.

But it gets worse. For employees who are continuously on the move, a charger is no good until they’re able to plug in at an airport or station. And if they’re on their phones a lot for other job-related duties, like client calls, then their battery is likely to die sooner than most.

A portable phone charger can be a solution to these mobile training challenges. USB ports around the office can help, too. But if battery life is going to be too much of a frustration for your on-the-go employees, it might be worthwhile to block out dedicated in-office training time instead.


The challenges of mobile learning in corporate training shouldn’t stop you from using it, especially if you’re armed with a powerful mobile learning app, contextual course design, security controls, and USB charging ports.

Because mobile learning is the solution to an increasingly global, mobile and techno-savvy workforce, and it’s on a journey upwards and onwards. This ship is sailing. Are you on board?


[1] Mobile learning in the workplace

eBook Release: TalentCards
Connect workers globally, transfer knowledge, and impact performance. Meet TalentCards: the mobile microlearning tool for your deskless workforce.
Originally published on March 11, 2019