8 Tips To Reel In Passive eLearning Candidates

8 Tips To Reel In Passive eLearning Candidates
Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Passive eLearning candidates are the cream of the crop, therefore recruiters can use these 8 tips for creating a pipeline of passive talent ready to leap for the right career opportunity.

How To Reel In Passive eLearning Candidates

There are some tried and true methods of attracting eLearning candidates, like creating an appealing career website, writing eye-catching eLearning job descriptions, and advertising with local agencies. But, these methods are only borderline effective when it comes to reeling in passive candidates. This is the larger percentage of the actual eLearning talent market that can produce top results for companies. Some recruiters consider passive eLearning candidates to be the Holy Grail of candidates because they are currently working in challenging eLearning careers and have current skills and projects under their belts. Ripe for mid-level job placement, passive candidates need to be fostered along with actively seeking candidates. Since they are not looking for another job they can be harder to reach, but are worth the effort once they decide to make a career change.

How can a company reel in passive eLearning candidates, using ethical and tactful methods? Read on for some expert tips.

1. Understand How Passive eLearning Talent Responds To Branding

In the search for the best passive eLearning candidates, focus on creating a brand for yourself as a recruiter and in representing your client brands. Branding is very powerful in recruitment. 84% of the respondents of a Glassdoor survey indicated that the use of a strong brand can help woo passive candidates. Being known for offering above-average career opportunities, having top industry connections, and being a thought-leader in this arena can pay off in many positive ways.

2. Get Connected Through The Top Online Communities And Social Networks

A very effective way to get in front of passive eLearning talent is to align yourself with the top online eLearning communities. These are the blogs, websites, associations, and social media networks that are premier places where eLearning professionals get the bulk of their information. Research from the Society of Human Resource Management revealed that the use of social media in recruitment has gone up by 54% in just the last 5 years, but that it’s taking longer to fill open positions. Whether you become a regular contributor sharing information about eLearning trends or you use this as a place to share eLearning job leads, maximize your time on eLearning communities that are easy to find on the internet.

3. Build Relationships With Passive Talent, But Don’t Use Pressure

Your approach should always be careful when trying to reel in eLearning candidates. The worst thing you can do is try to "sell" someone on a job lead, although it is part of the nature of recruitment. Instead, simply introduce yourself as someone in the eLearning field who is interested in what the candidate is doing and check in from time to time as a source of career support. After the initial contact, send an email or message sent via a social media network, wait a little bit, and then invite the candidate to a brief phone or Skype meeting to discuss his or her career goals.

4. Place Branded Job Advertisements And Get Listed On Industry Niche Websites

If passive talent is even remotely interested in looking at new careers, they will do so in their own time. This means they will be looking at the same sources of information they normally do for updates on the best companies hiring (we are creatures of habit after all). Position yourself for success by posting your eLearning job leads and branded advertisements on leading eLearning niche websites.

5. Contribute To The eLearning Market With Thoughtful Content

Become a leading mind in the world of eLearning by contributing regular content and commentary on the top eLearning industry websites and blogs. Focus your time building a brand here, sharing the latest in career topics and guidance that will get you better results than pitching to passive candidates. When they are ready to listen to you, they will be more receptive because you’ve already become a recognizable name to them.

6. Provide Feedback And Encouragement To eLearning Professionals

Whenever you read a new eLearning article or hear about a project that’s gone well in a press release, be sure to send over a brief but complimentary email to recognize this achievement. Passive eLearning candidates appreciate this feedback and the encouragement that goes along with it. Establishing a positive relationship with talent can be fruitful months later when they are ready for something new. Guess who they will be reaching out to first?

7. Be Involved In Press-Building Activities Like eLearning Events, Webinars, And Trade Shows

With all the new technology available today, it’s relatively easy to get involved in activities that will put you front and center with passive eLearning candidates. From online webinars and live meetings to trade shows and virtual events, the opportunities are limitless to be a host, a guest, or pitch a new job lead somewhere. Podcasters are always looking for people to interview about the eLearning industry. Bloggers and journalists are seeking new eLearning experts to interview. Come up with a topic you are highly knowledgeable about and go from there.

8. Connect eLearning Talent With The Right Opportunities

The way to the heart of any passive eLearning candidate is to provide the right opportunity at the right time. This can be tricky, but as you get to know each individual, you will quickly discover what their motivating factors are and the kinds of eLearning jobs that they may be interested in. As early as you can in the process of building rapport with eLearning talent, ask them where they see themselves in a few years. Then, as the perfect opportunity presents itself with one of your client businesses, share it as an exclusive opportunity just for that individual.

By using the above tips, you can effectively attract and create a stable full of passive eLearning candidates who are ready to leap when the right opportunity comes along.

Originally published on November 23, 2016