7 Benefits And The Powerful Impact Of eLearning In 2018

7 Benefits And The Powerful Impact Of eLearning In 2018
Nestor Rizhniak/Shutterstock.com
Summary: eLearning is not a new concept, but not many people recognize the impacts it is making on educational platforms. Since education is aimed at life development, eLearning is a privilege that can boost improvement across fields of knowledge and innovations.

The Powerful Impact Of eLearning In 2018 And Its Benefits

eLearning is not a new concept, but not many people recognize the impact it is making on educational platforms. Since education is aimed at life development, eLearning is a privilege that can boost improvement across fields of knowledge and innovations. eLearning includes online courses, tutorials, and everything that is available in the online or offline digital formats. It can range from simple digital books to typing software, to webinars, to use of Augmented Reality! Let’s peek into what possible benefits eLearning has got for us in 2018.

1. Games Change The Games!

Gamification in learning helps students learn more efficiently. Computer, or video games, which demand critical thinking stimulate the problem-solving brainpower of students. In these games, players participate in realistic scenarios and anticipate collective outcomes based on their moves. The beauty of technology is that artificial intelligence plays its part as the learners improve on the game. Development of these kinds of games has been central to entertainment based learning in 2017. The year 2018 is bound to bring more of such similar things.

2. Small Chunks Of Content - Microlearning

Microlearning is a big deal in the eLearning world right now. The reason for that is human brain learns efficiently when knowledge is provided in smaller snippets. A recent applied cognitive psychology study has found that gaps in learning time span increases knowledge retention. This strategic learning can be beneficial for school students. Learning with big pieces of textual content is often stressful, and the retention with them is often low. It is beneficial in the long-term learning. Microlearning applies short videos, visuals, exercises, and presentations in 90 to 120 second sessions that are followed by quizzes and instant feedback.

3. Informal Learning Empowered Digitally

Informal learning has its own importance. Now, it is pretty clear that innovations often emerge from the minds of folks who emphasize informal learning. Informal learning has largely gone digital in 2016, and 2017, and there is no doubt 2018 will witness more of it in every field. Students must be encouraged to take informal learning along with academic education. That will definitely help them gain insights of the practical knowledge in their respective fields.

4. Power Of Webinars

Webinars have been a great tool to deliver and consume informal instruction. Webinars are efficient because they can be designed customized anytime with requirements. Webinars have been increasingly preferred because of the ease of delivering information. They are scheduled online and are also recorded for future use contrary to classroom lectures which happen only once. Instructive manuals, video lectures, whiteboard videos, etc. can be provided through live or recorded videos.

5. Podcasts - Easiest Digestible Information

More and more mentors in the eLearning industry are turning towards pod-casting. The simple reason behind it is that podcasts do not demand special attention while consuming the information. Formal instruction requires physical presence in the learning classroom, but it’s a completely different story with podcasts. Students can listen to podcasts while completing their daily chores, or while travelling, or in the leisure time. All it needs is attention with ears. Although pod-casting may not be comparable to webinars, its benefits cannot be ignored.

6. Perceptions Through Augmented Reality

The use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a means of information and understanding has been of great interest in 2017; although it might need special devices to work, its progression shows promised outcomes in the eLearning arena for 2018. Demand is growing for AR-embedded mobile apps in the education industry. Through superimposed images and text, users can learn more about the world around them. The possibilities are endless when applied to a working environment.

7. Digital Textbooks For Faster Research And Study

Digital textbooks and eBooks have been of great advantage because students no longer need to keep physical copies of the books. Digital books provide faster text searching when a link or a quick word search can direct the user to the section they need. Navigation between books in related categories makes referring different books easier. Having a library of digital books in a mobile or tablet device is easy compared to having a library of physical books. Transitioning to the digital format is cost effective and easier for students.


eLearning is on the rise because it evidently has benefits over conventional or traditional learning. Faster and easier learning experience is the need of time. 2017 has witnessed a lot of innovations in eLearning, and its utility is expected to improve year by year. In 2018, more and more students are expected to have access to eLearning programs that will take their learning experience to a completely new level.

Originally published on November 4, 2017