Mobile Learning For Performance Support: Best Practices For Skills Development
- Feb 02 2021
- @ 11:00 am EST
- 60 Min.
- Feb 02 2021
- @ 11:00 am EST
- 60 Min.
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Mobile Learning For Performance Support: Best Practices For Skills Development
Although mobile learning has been around for more than a decade, its usage in corporate organizations accounts for less than 2% of learning hours. For all its great features and influential advocates, why hasn’t mobile learning taken off in organizations?
Find the answer to this question in this webinar… and more!
Take advantage of RK’s 7 years of primary research on the subject at Lancaster University (UK) combined with his three decades of experience in corporate training, eLearning, and mobile learning, working with more than 100 global organizations across the world.
Right now, corporate training is undergoing a paradigm shift. From technology-enhanced training methods supporting classroom training to the opposite—with technology-enhanced learning methods at the center stage of corporate training and classroom sessions supporting it.
In this context, using mobile learning as a performance support tool, especially for sales and service personnel, will be of great use, offering learning at the time and place they need it most!
RK and Barsha will share how you can use mobile learning for performance support with examples drawn from training for sales and service personnel.
More precisely, in this webinar we will focus on 3 aspects:
- What mobile learning is capable of and what it is actually perceived as (and used) in organizations.
- Factors hindering the application and proliferation of mobile learning in organizations. Also, some ways to overcome them.
- How mobile learning can be used as performance support for sales and service personnel as practiced by 3 multinational organizations.
That is, during this session, you will learn:
- What mobile learning is and what it is not
- Perceptions of the cost-benefit and results of mobile learning
- Impact of business realities on the mobile learning strategy
- Challenges hindering the application and proliferation of mobile learning
- Solutions to overcome different mobile learning implementation obstacles
- How to use mobile learning as performance support for sales and service staff, as practiced by 3 MNCs
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RK Prasad & Barsha Chetia
RK Prasad: RK has 34 years of experience in sales, corporate training, university teaching, and eLearning. An engaging speaker and an effective trainer, he regularly shares his experiences and the latest developments in technology-enhanced learning through in-house seminars and workshops with customers across the globe. RK, the CEO and Co-Founder of CommLab India has an MBA and a Ph.D. in mobile learning from Lancaster University...