NELC 2014

The 12th National eLearning Conference (NELC 2014) of PeLS is a premier academic forum which aims to present and exchange new advances and research results in various aspects of eLearning. The conference will be held at the University of the Philippines Los Baños on December 4-6, 2014.
Dates 04 Dec 2014 12:00 am (UTC +8) 06 Dec 2014 12:00 am (UTC +8)
Place (View On Map) New CAS Auditorium

NELC 2014 aims to gather eLearning practitioners, educators, trainors, researchers, media specialists, instructional designers, university school administrators, policy makers, industry partners and students across the country to present and exchange new advances and research results in various aspects of eLearning as well as discuss the encountered challenges and practical adopted solutions for a successful eLearning program implementation.

The Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) has been the country’s leading organization in promoting the development of eLearning competencies through education, training and collaboration among various stakeholders in government, industry and academe.


The NELC 2014 conference aims to:

strengthen the convergence of technology and learning theories to form meaningful settings for learners with different academic, industry and support needs
reinforce the technical, pedagogical, management and social dimensions associated with eLearning implementation to ensure quality in eLearning practice and delivery
organize educators, researchers, educational technologists, instructional designers and students in discussing the issues related to the development of quality online education and the challenges of ensuring pedagogically sound eLearning practices and
establish linkages and strengthen solidarity among eLearning practitioners, industry partners and institutions.


Plenary Sessions
These sessions feature key eLearning experts, practitioners and innovative decision makers from education, business, and government sectors showcasing their eLearning initiatives in a national scope.

Concurrent / Parallel Sessions
These sessions focus on the theme of the conference where leading practitioners present best practices, experiences and findings. Some of these sessions feature case studies and researches from their institutions, organizations and corporations. Some sessions may take the form of demonstrations of innovative services and products, best practice showcases, vendor presentation and additional networking events created for interaction of elearning practitioners with common interest.

Pre-Conference Workshops
A series of short-term workshops designed to enable participants to further improve their eLearning technology practice. These skill-based workshops in variety of topics allow participants to readily apply gained skills back to their workplace.

The conference will be held at the University of the Philippines Los Baños on December 4-6, 2014.

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