The Top LMS Statistics and Facts For 2015 You Need To Know

The Top LMS Statistics and Facts For 2015 You Need To Know
Summary: In this article, I'll share the Top 15 LMS Statistics and Facts For 2015 that every eLearning professional should know, especially those who are planning on choosing a new Learning Management System.

Top LMS Statistics and Facts For 2015

There are many research studies, polls and reports that offer us invaluable insight and forecasts about Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Read further to discover important LMS statistics for 2015 that will give you a glimpse into the future of Learning Management Systems and who the key players are today. If you're looking for a new LMS solution, then these figures may even help you fine tune your list of necessary features and functions LMS should have.

  1. The LMS Market.
    Numbers don't lie when it comes to the expected popularity of Learning Management Systems in tomorrow's eLearning industry. It is estimated that between the years 2017 and 2018, the LMS market will grow by about 23.17% [1], with an estimate of growth from $2.65 billion in 2013 to $7.8 billion in 2018 [3, 6], which is roughly an annual growth rate of 25.2% [3]. Currently, it’s a $2.5 billion industry in the corporate sector, without calculating revenue from the academic sector, as well [5].
  2. LMS Popularity In Terms Of Number Of Users.
    One of the most important considerations when choosing your LMS is its current popularity in the eLearning industry. In terms of actual users, Moodle seems has the most users in the Learning Management System market. It currently boasts an estimated 73.8 million users. Edmodo comes in second and Blackboard rounds out the top 3, with around 20 million users each [2].
  3. LMS Popularity In Terms Of Number Of Customers.
    While the number of users is an important factor to keep in mind when selecting a LMS, the number of satisfied customers can give you a clear indication of who is successfully building customer loyalty through effective business practices and a winning product. Edmodo has the largest number of customers, an estimated 120k of them, in fact. Moodle is second on the list, with 87.1k customers and Collaborize Classroom is third, with 48k customers [2].
  4. Cloud-Based LMSs vs. Installed LMSs.
    According to a recent survey about LMS users, in 2015, there seems to be a tendency towards cloud-based LMSs, as 87% of the respondents were found to use a web-based LMS, compared to only 13% who have an installed LMS [5].
  5. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) LMSs.
    Latest research indicates that cloud-based LMSs such as SaaS (Software-as-a Service) are expected to grow even more, as many organizations tend to replace their current LMSs with cloud-based LMSs [1, 6]. This is expected to occur due to the obvious benefits that cloud-based LMSs provide to small, medium-sized and large organizations, such as significant reductions in terms of capital and operational costs and ease of implementation. According to Docebo’s E-Learning Market Trends & Forecast 2014-2016 Report, the SaaS market is expected to experience steady growth throughout 2015. At the end of 2015, in fact, the worldwide 2014/2015 revenue is expected to be about $22 billion, though the most popular cloud-related corporate projects are: Internet Private Cloud (35%), Cloud Provider Assessment and Strategy Planning (33%), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) at 31%, and SaaS (30%) [1].
  6. LMS Usage Per Industry.
    A recent report has shown that governmental institutions only consists 2% of the LMS software market [5], with the educational sector to be approximately one fifth of the entire LMS market (21%). Other industries follow, such as: technology 12%, manufacturing 9%, consulting and healthcare (7%) and software development companies (4%). Finally, non-profit organizations and real-estate are also found at 3% of the LMS market each [5].
  7. LMS Access.
    How users access LMSs is another important point that LMS statistics for 2015 show. A recent survey demonstrated that, surprisingly, 89% of employees still access LMSs from their desktop computer, 76% from a laptop, and only 25% from mobile devices, such as a tablet [4].
  8. User Satisfaction With LMSs.
    In terms of user satisfaction, 63% of users seem to be very satisfied (25%) or just satisfied (38%) with their LMS [5], attributing their source of satisfaction to a widely-accepted belief, by 99% of the respondents, that the use of LMS has a positive impact on eLearning content and online training efficiency [4]. Other aspects on which users seem to perceive that LMSs have a positive impact include higher course completion rates (65%), cost effectiveness of training (45%), increase in employee’s productivity (37%) and higher retention rates (21%) [5].
  9. LMS Perceived Benefits.
    With respect to perceived LMS functionalities, 73% of those surveyed, indicated a belief that LMSs main function is testing, 68% training administration and 53% record keeping [4], though from another study we have additional information about user perceived benefits, indicating their belief that LMSs may be ideal for blended learning (53%), they can function as portals (53%), or that they may be excellent tracking tools (41%) [5].
  10. LMS Perceived Functionality Deficiencies.
    On the other hand, among the desired features users believe their current LMSs are lacking are: live and video conferencing options (38%), mobile learning options (27%), gamification (22%) and social learning options (20%) among others [5].
  11. LMS Corporate Investment Plans.
    No significant changes are expected in 2015 with respect to corporate investment plans on LMSs, as 90% of small-to-medium businesses and enterprises indicated that their 2015 budget to spend for LMSs is approximately the same with previous years [4].
  12. LMS Customer Loyalty.
    Customer loyalty is another important indicator of the perceived impact of the LMSs on users. Research has indicated that only 31% of LMS buyers have switched from their previous LMS to a new one. On the average, 32% of organizations have been using their actual LMSs for the last 2 to 5 years [5]. This is quite normal, as acquiring a new LMS is considered to be a long-term investment, and therefore, the organization is expected to stay with the same provider for several years.
  13. Reasons For Switching To Another LMS.
    Despite proved loyalty to their current LMS, 66% of those organizations that have decided to switch to another LMS, express as main reason for such a shift the fact that there were additional features required that their previous LMS could not support. Surprisingly, only 6% have switched to another LMS because of cost, fact that shows that organizations are willing to pay for LMSs that meet their needs. Among other reasons for switching to another LMS also seem to be: lack or inadequate provider’s support (28%), a previous LMS that was too difficult to use (22%) or changing needs due to rapid organizational growth that the current LMS could no longer support (13%) [5].
  14. LMS Selection Criteria.
    The primary criterion indicated by the vast majority of the organizations in order to decide upon the best LMS to buy is its functionality (53%), followed by the LMS’s price (32%). Other selection criteria follow, such as LMS support provided (5%), company reputation (3%) , as well as software popularity (3%), among others [5].
  15. Time Needed For Making A Purchasing Decision.
    With respect to the time needed to make a final decision about the proper LMS to buy, research has shown that for 69% of the respondents, it usually takes decision makers up to six months to decide and do all the necessary market research before placing the purchasing order. There is also an estimate that 35% of these decision makers evaluate four or more alternatives LMSs before making their final decision, though, 21% evaluate three alternative LMSs and 28% just two. Only 6% of the respondents admitted that they’ve reached to a decision after evaluating one LMS only [5].

An LMS is an invaluable tool for eLearning professionals and all signs point to it being so for many years to come. Hopefully these key LMS statistics and facts for 2015 have offered you the information you need to choose the learning management system that's just right for your learners' needs.

Want to get more eLearning statistics for 2015? Read the article The Top eLearning Statistics And Facts For 2015 You Need To Know to get the insight you need to get prepared for 2015.

Check out the The Top LMS Stats and Facts For 2015 Infographic below!

Top LMS Stats and Facts For 2015 Infographic
Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics


  1. eLearning Market Trends & Forecast 2014-2016 Report.
  2. The Top Most Popular LMS Software.
  3. Learning Management Systems (LMS) Market Worth $7.83 Billion by 2018 Forecasted in MarketsandMarkets Recent Report.
  4. Learning Management Systems BuyerView.
  5. LMS Industry User Research Report.
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Originally published on May 26, 2015