5 Compliance Training Trends To Watch For Your Organisation

5 Compliance Training Trends To Watch For Your Organisation
Summary: The rise of digital in the workplace has seen the way we learn at work change rapidly. So it’s more important than ever to be aware of current and future compliance training trends if your organisation is going to be able to keep up. This article shares what you should be looking out for.

Compliance Training Trends You Should Keep An Eye On

Compliance training often has a reputation for being ‘boring’ and ‘messy’. It is one of the most important training programs for businesses and, therefore, it’s essential to ensure you’re providing training solutions that are not only beneficial for the business but for your employees too.

eBook Release: Compliance Training 101: Developing A Compliance Training Program With The Right LMS Platform
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Compliance Training 101: Developing A Compliance Training Program With The Right LMS Platform
Discover the value of Compliance training, what your Compliance program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support your organisation

The rise of digital in the workplace has seen the way we learn at work change rapidly. So it’s more important than ever to be aware of current and future compliance training trends if your organisation is going to be able to keep up. So what are these trends, and how will they impact your compliance training?

Take a look at the points below:

1. Employees Are Taking Control Of Their Own Learning

With the use of technology becoming so prevalent in our daily lives, we’ve seen more employees taking control of their own learning. We’re accustomed to using technology to help us find the answers we need, and your compliance training needs to acknowledge this if it’s going to make an impact moving forward.

Traditional L&D methods are struggling to keep up in the digital world. Since we are constantly connected through our devices, waiting weeks for a course or an updated handbook isn’t going to work.

The web is becoming more used as a means of finding instant information, with more than 70% of employees turning to search engines to learn what they need for their jobs. But, there’s still a huge gap in the L&D market here, because search engines can’t deliver resources that are unique and context-specific to your organisation.

Compliance training trends will see more organisations providing on-demand solutions as and when staff needs them.

On-demand training taps into the motivation of your employees to be better and faster at their jobs, and supports what they’re already doing – taking control of their own learning. It is, however, far more effective than Google or other web resources because your digital resources can be unique to your organisation and provide solutions in the context of your employees’ jobs.

2. Training Materials Developed For Point-Of-Need Support

Traditional L&D methods fail to address moments of need and often require weeks to organise courses or classroom training, which results in poor long-term productivity because the ‘learning’ cannot be applied right away when it’s actually needed.

Compliance training trends will see an increase of training materials created for the points-of-need of employees and addressing real issues in real-time. Rather than removing your staff from the workflow and taking them away from their desks to ‘learn’, you need to provide immediate answers and know-how.

By providing access to useful information, on-demand, you reduce the time employees spend away from their day-to-day work and instead incorporate their training into the workflow.

This gives your employees the ability to access your training materials from their desks, or even at home on their own devices, rather than having to use specific hardware, which again can be time-restricting and impractical.

Point-of-need training offers a flexible solution that minimises the need to remove staff from the workflow, whilst still offering them the support and guidance they need to be continuously improving. It is there for them to work around busy schedules without interfering with their day-to-day tasks.

You’ll find your compliance training becomes far more relevant and useful when it’s acquired at the point of need and allows for your staff to retain and utilise this new information straight away.

3. Digital Resources, Not Courses

When employees get stuck on the job, directing them to a course or making them wait for classroom training is impractical and time-consuming. That’s why the next compliance training trend to look out for is the increase of digital resources rather than courses.

Courses are well known for containing a lot of generic content and can be time-consuming to create. Digital resources are job-specific and ideally no longer than 5 minutes long, so you know you won’t be wasting time creating content that nobody will ever read.

Digital resources are easy to update and share, so you don’t have to worry about employees receiving out-of-date information or having a miscommunication of your organisation’s expectations of them. This is extremely important when it comes to compliance training as the impact of missed or out-of-date information, and it can prove to be extremely costly for businesses.

Think about the kinds of content your employees would benefit from accessing those resources. Every organisation has internal ‘experts’ who have been with the company for a while and can use their own experiences as a tool to share with others in the business. This internal knowledge is unique to your organisation and, therefore, far more valuable than what would be found in generic eLearning content or a course. Focus on addressing the answers your employees need to be continuously improving, and provide this using a personalised, digital experience.

You can also combine your compliance training materials with other resources that help employees to learn new parts of their job, without isolating compliance outside of work anymore and building a group of more well-informed employees.

4. On-Demand Access

We’ve already mentioned the value of on-demand access, however, this is one of the most prolific compliance training trends we’ve already seen.

By making your training on-demand you’re not limited to a specific location or equipment, which means your employees are able to access your training materials as soon as they become available, so there’s no waiting around or being counter-productive. Having a flexible learning platform that can be accessed online on a range of devices allows your people to take control of their learning and even develop outside of the organisation.

Limiting the availability of your training hinders performance because real learning happens whilst doing. Your compliance training program needs to be readily available as and when challenges arise in order to tackle these real problems, and focus on performance and capability rather than ‘learning’.

By offering real-time solutions, your people gain confidence, knowing that they can access the answers they need to perform better at any time. You can’t afford to risk regulation updates being missed whilst waiting around for courses to be updated or classroom-based training to be organised. Instead, being on-demand gives your staff quick, easy-to-access learning solutions wherever, whenever. This is especially helpful if you have remote workers or simply want flexibility with your staff being able to access your resources 24/7.

5. Instant Data And Results

The increased use of technology in the workplace is not just beneficial to employees, but also to L&D teams. It’s never been easier to receive instant insights and feedback, and more organisations are utilising this latest trend of instant data. By being on-demand and user-driven, L&D teams move away from ‘coaching’ or forcing ‘learning’ and are, instead, focusing on what is or isn’t working in real-time to ensure training materials are the most valuable they can be.

With everything moving online, organisations now also have a permanent bank of information where they can track progress in real-time. Performance gaps can be easily spotted and resources can be amended based on feedback or trends.

Manually testing and waiting for results is a thing of the past. Instead, L&D teams should be focusing on overall business goals and ways to align compliance with the goals of the rest of the organisation.

These compliance training trends will give you a head start with moving forward with your compliance training in the right way by using solutions built for the modern workforce. Simply consult the experts for a free demo today, and find out how forward-thinking and data-driven platforms like Looop can get you a compliance training program that really works.

Originally published on October 3, 2018