Rebound And Thrive: Considerations For Quickly Converting Your ILT To Digital Training

Rebound And Thrive: Considerations For Quickly Converting Your ILT To Digital Training
Liu zishan/
Summary: Now that companies are scrambling to quickly adjust Instructor-Led Training to digital training, one might ask, "What are the options?" Here we share guidelines and options to get your training running smoothly in spite of disruptions.

Rapidly Convert Current ILT To Digital Assets

In his 1933 inaugural speech, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” With the unpredictability of today’s climate, many businesses are looking more toward technology to help them execute their training. According to Brandon Hall Group, 95% of enterprise organizations still use in-person training. Roosevelt addressed national panic and proposed a war on the economic emergency the U.S. faced in 1933. Our country, businesses, and communities may be facing similar challenges, but we have the miracle of technology on our side to face uncertainty.

Rebound By Reprioritizing

As a leader in the L&D industry, your plan to fight this battle should include a reprioritization of your organization’s current training needs and then, proactive steps toward converting vital face-to-face training into a digital format. Are you wondering where to start? Here are some guidelines and options for how to prioritize and convert your Instructor-Led Training (ILT) into a remotely accessible digital training.

Repurpose: ILT To VILT

The simplest solution for rapid ILT conversion is to present the ILT content virtually and look for ways to repurpose your content. Technology and scheduling become particularly important. Focusing on a platform with the right capabilities will be the key to preserving interactive features in your new training. With a quick ILT to VILT conversion you can:

  • Reduce seat time by at least 20% by curating your content
  • Enable real-time Q&A
  • Offer more time slots to lower the load on your employees

Reorient: ILT To VILT With Digital Assets

If you have a little more time, a reorientation of the ILT experience is recommended, keeping the focus on what you have at hand. On this path you’ll:

  • Transform 20-25% of seat time to video, infographics and reference materials that port equally well to rapid ILT and VILT delivery
  • Isolate content redundancies and identify assets to convert
  • Re-chunk the content and enable more visual stimulation in the course itself

Reconstruct: ILT To Blended Learning

Lastly, for a more engaging learner experience, short of a full digital conversion, a rapid redesign process to reconstruct the sequencing and structure of your traditional ILT course is best. While the costs of this option can be high, you can:

  • Achieve a 50%+ reduction of seat time
  • Blend ILT and VILT with self-contained, self-paced assignments
  • Utilize pedagogical methodologies, such as flipping the classroom with self-paced pre-study, splitting up classrooms into smaller groups, and managing your content in such a way that learners can enter the process at different times


A complete redesign can take as little as three months or up to 12 months to accomplish, but the results yield a learning experience that supports business transformation efforts. Additionally, you’ll:

  • Focus on the end-goal of your training
  • Use performance gaps to create new learning objectives and a robust learning experience
  • Design a rollout plan and post-training strategy

Getting Through Uncertainty

Your plan to rebound and thrive needs to include some planning. In any new climate of change, some thought and careful planning are vital first steps. Take some time to clearly list your organization’s priorities and make a plan. Having a plan in place will calm your worries and reduce the stress that the unexpected brings. A plan will also keep your teams on track.

Be Proactive

Don’t wait for someone else to come up with a solution for the challenge of adjusting to largely online interactions. The tools are available and adjustments can be made for your emergency projects. Take a close look at the guidelines above and make some decisions right now for where and how you will take action. It has been said that clarity comes from action, not thought. Once you’ve gathered information and have some options available to you, taking action will eliminate confusion and offer you valuable feedback for your next steps.

Most of all, stay positive about the future. Uncertainty is something we all face, but together we’ll get our community, our country, and the industry we hold so dear through this. And, we will get through this.

eBook Release: AllenComm
The experts at AllenComm solve business problems with beautiful custom learning solutions. We bring creativity into instructional design. We change behaviors and influence choices. We build better training.
Originally published on April 9, 2020