Perioli Language Pilots

Online Language Providers

Perioli Language Pilots offers people-focussed digital and face2face language and skills training courses

Last updated: May 2021
Founded in
Dreieck 4
53111 Bonn
Contact details
+49 228 965 479 70

PLP offers a comprehensive range of online and face2face language and skills trainings to help you excel in a global work environment. As experienced training professionals, we support you with the planning, conception and implementation of your language training needs - any language, any format.

Select from a wide range of course formats - from 24/7 online learning to live learning via video conferencing or telephone. Learn individually, in a group or in team-building workshops - digital or face2face.

Summer and Autumn language camps for kids and teens as well as online courses for children round off our portfolio.

Let us create your Personalised Language Path - PLP!


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