  • Freelancers
  • Large Enterprises (>10,000)
  • Non Profits
  • Public Administrations
  • Small/Medium Businesses
Use Cases
  • Channel Training
  • Competency Management
  • Customer Training
  • Extended Enterprise
  • Franchise/Dealer Training
  • Sales Training
  • Training Companies
  • Automotive
  • Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical Practice
  • Professional Training & Coaching
  • Retail
  • Self-Hosted Cloud-based
  • Software as a Service / Cloud
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Adobe Connect
  • ADP
  • API
  • Google Calendar
  • GoToMeeting
  • GoToTraining
  • GoToWebinar
  • Mailchimp
  • Okta
  • OneLogin
  • Outlook Calendar
  • Paypal
  • Salesforce CRM
  • SharePoint
  • WebEx
  • Zoom
  • Documentation
  • Live Online
  • Online Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Business Hours
  • Email
  • FAQ
  • Knowledge Base
  • Live Online
  • Phone
Supported Specifications
  • SCORM 1.2
  • xAPI/Tin Can API

What is LatitudeLearning?

LatitudeLearning is a partner learning platform that enables you to manage effective partner training programs. It addresses the unique challenges of partner training programs:

Large Partner Networks
Partner networks often span hundreds or thousands of global locations, organized into unique subnetworks. LatitudeLearning supports multiple partner networks, enabling efficient management of partner learning.

Brands and Product Lines
Not all partners handle every brand. LatitudeLearning associates brands with courses, certifications, skills, and partners, ensuring partners receive necessary brand-specific training.

Complex Certifications
Partner certifications needs to include course requirements, training objectives, and performance data. LatitudeLearning offers six certification rule types, allowing the creation of complex, performance-enhancing certifications.

Sophisticated Skill Profiles
Developing skilled partners requires role-based skill profiles and optimal skill mixes for partners. LatitudeLearning supports multiple skill profiles per role and optimal skills mixes per location.

Performance Metrics
LatitudeLearning supports the incorporation of performance metrics in certifications, skill profiles, training assignments and reporting

Multiple Field Support Networks
Partners receive support from various independently organized field networks. LatitudeLearning includes multiple field networks within the partner training solution.

Multi-Role Learners
Learners often have multiple roles and work for multiple partners. LatitudeLearning provides multiple profiles and roles, offering a unified training view for learners and segregated management views.

Internal & External Learners
Both partner and support employees require training. LatitudeLearning configures employees as a learner audience with unique and shared training content.

Audience-Specific Workflows
Training programs must cater to diverse learner audiences. LatitudeLearning offers tools to define and manage these audiences, tailoring learner workflows for each group.

Overview of LatitudeLearning benefits

LatitudeLearning gives you the tools you need to efficiently manage a high-impact partner training program and ensure that your partners have the skills necessary to positively impact your business.

But you need more than a great product, you need a great partner.

Our Delivery team has a 100% successful implementation record. Our Surefire Delivery method ensures that we implement your program On Time, On Budget and As Promised.

Our ClientCare team is there to answer your questions, resolve issues, and help you with program administration. In fact, over 99.95% of client reported bugs are resolved within 30 days!

Our high level of success is due to our partnership approach with every client and our knowledge of how to structure, execute and manage extended enterprise training programs.

Our award winning LatitudeLearning LMS combine with our world-class service is the reason we have a 95% client retention rate.

Expect more from you LMS partner. Experience LatitudeLearning.


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