What is Obami?
The Obami platform is a world-class, cloud-based learning management system which helps organisations setup and manage vibrant learning communities.
The platform - along with its brandable interface and customisable functionality - provides organisations with easy-to-use tools that help to develop, deliver and track engaging, online learning experiences.
Whether it's a short, long, subscription based or open access learning intervention, Obami offers you the tools to:
- Build and copy courseware with ease
- Leverage rich media content and assignments
- Track and report on progress, engagement and performance
- Engage through gamification
- Setup Paywalls and stores
- Manage multiple groups with differing permissions at a user level
- Manage multiple communities under one brand
- Pull custom M&E reports
Obami makes it easy to get your employees, customers, students and partners trained and skilled up in whatever they need to learn. The platform is optimised for mobile consumption and has been built with data and the user in mind. Obami is perfectly suited for developing and developed markets.