Trending Learning Management Systems
Instructor Reviews
Instructor by Appsuites L.L.C. offers a comprehensive LMS, built to consolidate course offering tools such as live classrooms, sandbox/live-coding environments, and billing within one platform.
Instructor Reviews 2025: Pros & Cons, Ratings & more
Is Instructor the right solution for you? Read verified Instructor reviews from people in industries like yours to make a confident choice.
Performance Overview
Overall Rating
Customer Experience
Likelihood to Recommend
Apr 2, 2018
Very good content for people trying to grasp the basics to get started on their career.
What do you like best?
User friendliness and good UI
What do you dislike?
Nothing now. I will write a review for sure if I dislike it in future, so that the team can use it for the purpose of continual improvement to stay alive.