Education Week 2016: Corporate Training For Companies

Education Week 2016: Corporate Training For Companies
Summary: This article includes the trends in corporate training for companies presented by training centers during the Education Week 2016 in Madrid, Spain.

Corporate Training For Companies In Education Week 2016 

The Education Week 2016 has accommodated many booths occupied by some of the most representative companies in the education sector, corporate training for companies, and knowledge management. We talked to some of them about their current offer.


Insight from Homuork about corporate training for companies:

"To date, we have developed MOOC projects tailored to each client. MOOC is the acronym for Massive Open Online Courses. It defines courses designed for a mass audience, in short format video pills consumed online and are open to anyone who wants to join. This format has revolutionized the education system with the promise of making available to any access to universities and institutions of higher prestige."

"Since the launch of this format in August 2008 to July 2015, 2,500 courses were taught in this mode. There are more than 400 universities participating in this revolution, and particularly in the United States, 22 of the top 25 universities offer massive, online and open courses."

"Since 2012, more than 25 million students from five continents have followed a MOOC course. Most of them are graduates and more than half are employed full time, according to a recent study by Coursera."

"But the MOOC have not only transformed the educational paradigm in traditional institutions such as universities, but more and more companies opting for this approach to continue to train their employees. The MOOC pose a faster, more flexible and more economical way to upgrade traditional knowledge course."

"Danone, for example, implemented the MOOC methodology at a corporate level. Now, we will launch three lines as content authors:

  • Day to day.
    It is for schools of skills in the corporate environment.
  • Digifit. 
    Which is focused on digital issues.
  • Happy People.
    Which is focused on social impact and improved welfare.One is related to Gender Relations in the company. We work for a large company and the focus now is to create a possible product for that company and to identify potential needs; including, for example, gender relations, gender inequalities, which are still quite serious problems for the organization as a whole. It is not only reprehensible, but entrepreneurially it is an error that certain dynamics get consent in the company, certain micro aggressions; then, we talk about how corporate leadership will be managed within a few years, who will be mentoring who. Men who are leading companies are mentoring other men, white men are mentoring white men... There is all this unconscious identification that leads you to perpetuate all these inequality relations. We are working on this case with a professional consultant working for the United Nations and that she is the intellectual author of the course. The idea is to educate both men and women within an organization. There is no political approach, there is a very basic approach: We all have obvious biases, both men and women. There is a test of Harvard to get to know your biases. There are women who have an enormous linking women-family/man-work. We all have these biases, men and women, by education, and it is about being aware of these judgment biases that we all have, in order to get resolved for the benefit of all”.


"One of our products was a MOOC to ESADE Geo, the Institute of Geopolitics of ESADE, with Javier Solana, former Secretary General of NATO, about politics and global governance, through Cursera. We had a meeting with Solana and his team where we were told what areas were of interest at that time; we received a lot of material: videos, recorded classes; We did an analysis of all this material to make a first phase of pedagogical design where we got a structure; we also delimited quite well the existing target we were looking for: those were minimal educated profiles in Latin America and Spain, with Castilian language, and with potential as future customers of Esade. We designed a clear learning path, and started the production of content from the screenwriting of each video pills, to each recording, and editing. The final product had a lot of editing, many graphics resources. It is a hybrid between the pedagogical approach and an attractive entertainment criterion, which is very effective. In this case, for example, there are 5000 active students registered. We see that the audience of 30 to 35 years old requires these rhythms a lot, the language, and these visual codes. Millennials have a daily audiovisual culture: Much of consumption is going through the audiovisual format. To retain talent in the company of these new generations, it is key that the company meets their formal and educational needs."

"We have now renewed the Learning Management System, which is very user friendly, very responsive."

Originally published on May 21, 2016